
In: Chemistry

Describe the various stages involved in the electrothermal atomisation process and the physical or chemical processes...

Describe the various stages involved in the electrothermal atomisation process and the physical or chemical processes that occur in each step.


Expert Solution

It provides enhanced sensitivity because the entire sample is atomized in a short period, and the average residence time of the atoms in the optical path is a second or more. A few microliters of sample are first evaporated at a low temperature and then ashed at a somewhat higher temperature in an electrically heated graphite tube or in a graphite cup. Then the current is rapidly increased to several hundred amperes, which caused the temperature to reach upto 2000 DC to 3000 DC; atomization of the sample occurs in a period of a few milliseconds to seconds.

Atomization occurs in an electrically heated graphite tube. The graphite tube is flushed with an inert gas (Ar) to prevent the formation of (non-absorbing) metal oxides

Advantages/Disadvantages/Characterstics -

Electrothermal atomizers offer the advantage of unusually high sensitivity for small volumes of sample. Typically, sample volumes between 0.5 and 10 mL are used; absolute detection limits lie in the range of 10-10 to 10-13 g of analyte. Furnace methods are slow-typically requiring several minutes per element. A final disadvantage is that the analytical range is low, being usually less than two orders of magnitude.

Also this includes absorption coefficient that is find using Beer lamberts law.

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