
In: Biology

Most vitamins are cofactors or coenzymes. What happens if we do not consume enough vitamins in...

Most vitamins are cofactors or coenzymes. What happens if we do not consume enough vitamins in our diet (specifically to the enzymes that use them)?


Expert Solution

Ans. Most vitamins are coenzymes or cofactors and they are required for numerous vital processes in our body as coenzymes and cofactors in small quantity. Vit.B1 , Vit.B2 , Vit.B6 , Vit.B12 , niacin, folic acids are the vitamins which act as coenzymes. Thiamin pyrophosphate (TPP) is the coenzyme form of vitamin B1 and take part in oxidative decarboxylation and transketolase reactions. For examples, TPP mediates decarboxylation of pyruvate to acetyl~CoA during carbohydrate metabolism. Flavin mononucleotide (FMN) and Flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) are the coenzyme forms of Vit.B2 and these take part in oxidation reactions as in citric acid cycle and electron transport system (ETC). Coenzyme form of vit.B6 is pyridoxal phosphate (PLP) and help in amino acid synthesis and tryptophan to nicotinic acid conversion. Coenzyme A contains pantothenic acid (Vit.B). Metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates requires Coenzyme A. Pantothenic acid as a cofactor of acyl carrier protein helps in fatty acid synthesis. Vit. C acts as cofactor of hydroxylase enzymes. Retinal is aldehyde form of Vit.A and participates as cofactor of opsin apoproteins in eyes. Vit.K is coenzyme for gamma-carboxylases participating in blood clotting and bone remodeling and osteocalcin formation.

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