In: Computer Science
Pseudocode and flowcharts are fiexible tool for early development of software design. They are used only as a plenning tool, and not the final product. Remember that when you eventually convert your pseudocode or your flowchart to a specific programming language (lke Javal you do not have such flexibility because very specific syntax will be required Please study chapter two and the "flowchart symbols article on the "course document" section before you attempt the following project. Flowchart Design The idea behind this project is to become familiar with the "Draw 10 web site A farmer is on his way back from the market, with him he has a fox, a chicken and some grain. When he reacbes a river crossing he must use a small boat only big enou劝for him and one other item, Unfortunately if the fox s left alone with the chicken it wil bat it, as wil the chicken eat the gran. Using flowchart technique you learned in last class draw a logical flowchart that explains how the farmer can cross the river Can you locate a step in your solution when the farmer faces two choices. What symbol is suitable for his dlecision making? Can you show this two choices properly in your design?