
In: Computer Science

You should try this code in Microsoft SQL Server to get the practice of using the...

You should try this code in Microsoft SQL Server to get the practice of using the command line and getting syntax errors. You can submit to me your sql files or just copy and paste of your code in a word document. I may try to run it, so make sure it is error free. Or you can show screen shots of code running.

  1. Write SQL CREATE Table statement to create the following table with  Owner ID  as a surrogate key.  Owner ID is a surrogate key (starts at 1 and increments by 1)

hint: IDENTITY (1, 1) is syntax for surrogate key.

PET_OWNER (OwnerID, OwnerLastName, OwnerFirstName, OwnerPhone, OwnerEmail)

You can try inserting some data into your tables too!

  1. Write SQL CREATE Table statement to create the following table with  Pet ID as a surrogate key.  Pet ID is a surrogate key (starts at 1 and increments by 1)

hint: IDENTITY (1, 1) syntax for surrrogate key..

PET (PetID, PetName, PetType, PetBreed, PetDOB, OwnerID)

You don’t need to create referential integrity constraint on OwnerID in PET table.

  1. Now create the referential integrity constraint on OwnerID in PET. You can use ALTER TABLE command.


Expert Solution

Write SQL CREATE Table statement to create the following table with Owner ID as a surrogate key.


PET_OWNER (OwnerID, OwnerLastName, OwnerFirstName, OwnerPhone, OwnerEmail)

Crate statement:

OwnerLastName varchar(255),
OwnerFirstName varchar(255),
OwnerPhone varchar(25),
OwnerEmail varchar(255)


Write SQL CREATE Table statement to create the following table with Pet ID as a surrogate key. Pet ID is a surrogate key (starts at 1 and increments by 1)


PET (PetID, PetName, PetType, PetBreed, PetDOB, OwnerID)

Note: You don’t need to create referential integrity constraint on OwnerID in PET table.

Crate statement:

PetName varchar(255),
PetType varchar(255),
PetBreed varchar(25),

Now create the referential integrity constraint on OwnerID in PET. You can use ALTER TABLE command.


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