
In: Computer Science

In MySQL, create a new schema titled <yourlastname>module3. Using the below file, create the tables in...

In MySQL, create a new schema titled <yourlastname>module3.

Using the below file, create the tables in your new schema and populate with the supplied data. Tables do not have keys. Do not define them at this time.

There are errors in the data population (INSERT) statements. It is your job to find the errors and correct them. This is important. You will need correct data for future exercises in this module. In the submission area, choose Write Submission and identify the errors your found in the INSERT statements and whether or not your corrections were successful.

Take a screen shot of your new schema in the Navigator window with Tables expanded


/* Database Systems, 10th Ed., Coronel/Morris/Rob */
/* Type of SQL : SQL Server */

CUS_LNAME varchar(15),
CUS_FNAME varchar(15),
CUS_INITIAL varchar(1),
CUS_AREACODE varchar(3),
CUS_PHONE varchar(8),
CUS_BALANCE float(8)
INSERT INTO CUSTOMER VALUES('10010','Ramas','Alfred','A','615','844-2573','0');
INSERT INTO CUSTOMER VALUES('10011','Dunne','Leona','K','713','894-1238','0');
INSERT INTO CUSTOMER VALUES('10012','Smith','Kathy','W','615','894-2285','345.86');
INSERT INTO CUSTOMER VALUES('10013','Olowski','Paul','F','615','894-2180','536.75');
INSERT INTO CUSTOMER VALUES('10014','Orlando','Myron','','615','222-1672','0');
INSERT INTO CUSTOMER VALUES('10015','O''Brian','Amy','B','713','442-3381','0');
INSERT INTO CUSTOMER VALUES('10016','Brown','James','G','615','297-1228','221.19');
INSERT INTO CUSTOMER VALUES('10017','Williams','George','','615','290-2556','768.93');
INSERT INTO CUSTOMER VALUES('10018','Farriss','Anne','G','713','382-7185','216.55');
INSERT INTO CUSTOMER VALUES('10019','Smith','Olette','K','615','297-3809','0');

/* -- */

INV_DATE date,
INV_SUBTOTAL float(8),
INV_TAX float(8),
INV_TOTAL float(8)
INSERT INTO INVOICE VALUES('1001','10014','1/16/2016','24.90','1.99','26.89');
INSERT INTO INVOICE VALUES('1002','10011','1/16/2016','9.98','0.80','10.78');
INSERT INTO INVOICE VALUES('1003','10012','1/16/20166','153.85','12.31','166.16');
INSERT INTO INVOICE VALUES('1004','10011','1/16/2017','34.97','2.80','37.77');
INSERT INTO INVOICE VALUES('1005','10018','1/16/2017','70.44','5.64','76.08');
INSERT INTO INVOICE VALUES('1006','10014','1/16/2017','397.83','31.83','429.66');
INSERT INTO INVOICE VALUES('1007','10015','1/16/2017','34.97','2.80','37.77');
INSERT INTO INVOICE VALUES('1008','10011','1/16/2017','399.15','31.93','431.08');

/* -- */

P_CODE varchar(10),
LINE_UNITS float(8),
LINE_PRICE float(8),
LINE_TOTAL float(8)
INSERT INTO LINE VALUES('1001','1','13-Q2/P2','1','14.99','14.99');
INSERT INTO LINE VALUES('1001','2','23109-HB','1','9.95','9.95');
INSERT INTO LINE VALUES('1002','1','54778-2T','2','4.99','9.98');
INSERT INTO LINE VALUES('1003','1','2238/QPD','1','38.95','38.95');
INSERT INTO LINE VALUES('1003','2','1546-QQ2','1','39.95','39.95');
INSERT INTO LINE VALUES('1003','3','13-Q2/P2','5','14.99','74.95');
INSERT INTO LINE VALUES('1004','1','54778-2T','3','4.99','14.97');
INSERT INTO LINE VALUES('1004','2','23109-HB','2','9.95','19.90');
INSERT INTO LINE VALUES('1005','1','PVC23DRT','12','5.87','70.44');
INSERT INTO LINE VALUES('1006','1','SM-18277','3','6.99','20.97');
INSERT INTO LINE VALUES('1006','2','2232/QTY','1','109.92','109.92');
INSERT INTO LINE VALUES('1006','3','23109-HB','1','9.95','9.95');
INSERT INTO LINE VALUES('1006','4','89-WRE-Q','1','256.99','256.99');
INSERT INTO LINE VALUES('1007','1','13-Q2/P2','2','14.99','29.98');
INSERT INTO LINE VALUES('1007','2','54778-2T','1','4.99','4.99');
INSERT INTO LINE VALUES('1008','1','PVC23DRT','5','5.87','29.35');
INSERT INTO LINE VALUES('1008','2','WR3/TT3','3','119.95','359.85');
INSERT INTO LINE VALUES('1008','3','23109-HB','1','9.95','9.95');

/* -- */

P_CODE varchar(10),
P_DESCRIPT varchar(35),
P_INDATE date,
P_QOH int,
P_MIN int,
P_PRICE float(8),
P_DISCOUNT float(8),
V_CODE int
INSERT INTO PRODUCT VALUES('11QER/31','Power painter, 15 psi., 3-nozzle','2015-11-03','8','5','109.99','0','25595');
INSERT INTO PRODUCT VALUES('13-Q2/P2','7.25-in. pwr. saw blade','2015-12-13','32','15','14.99','0.05','');
INSERT INTO PRODUCT VALUES('14-Q1/L3','9.00-in. pwr. saw blade','2015-11-13','18','12','17.49','0','21344');
INSERT INTO PRODUCT VALUES('1546-QQ2','Hrd. cloth, 1/4-in., 2x50','2016-01-15','15','8','39.95','0','23119');
INSERT INTO PRODUCT VALUES('1558-QW1','Hrd. cloth, 1/2-in., 3x50','2016-01-15','23','5','43.99','0','23119');
INSERT INTO PRODUCT VALUES('2232/QTY','B&D jigsaw, 12-in. blade','2015-12-30','8','5','109.92','0.05','24288');
INSERT INTO PRODUCT VALUES('2232/QWE','B&D jigsaw, 8-in. blade','2015-12-24','6','5','99.87','0.05','24288');
INSERT INTO PRODUCT VALUES('2238/QPD','B&D cordless drill, 1/2-in.','2016-01-20','12','5','38.95','0.05','25595');
INSERT INTO PRODUCT VALUES('23109-HB','Claw hammer','2016-01-12','23','10','9.95','0.1','21225');
INSERT INTO PRODUCT VALUES('23114-AA','Sledge hammer' 12 lb.','2016-01-2','8','5','14.40','0.05','');
INSERT INTO PRODUCT VALUES('54778-2T','Rat-tail file, 1/8-in. fine','2015-12-15','43','20','4.99','0','21344');
INSERT INTO PRODUCT VALUES('89-WRE-Q','Hicut chain saw, 16 in.','2016-02-17','11','5','256.99','0.05','24288');
INSERT INTO PRODUCT VALUES('PVC23DRT','PVC pipe, 3.5-in., 8-ft','2016-02-27','188','75','5.87','0','24004');
INSERT INTO PRODUCT VALUES('SM-18277','1.25-in. metal screw, '25','2016-03-01','172','75','6.99','0','21225');
INSERT INTO PRODUCT VALUES('SW-23116','2.5-in. wd. screw, 50','2016-02-14','237','100','8.45','0','21231');
INSERT INTO PRODUCT VALUES('WR3/TT3','Steel matting, 4''x8''x1/6", .5" mesh','2016-01-27','18','5','119.95','0.1','25595');

/* -- */

V_CODE int,
V_NAME varchar(15),
V_CONTACT varchar(50),
V_AREACODE varchar(3),
V_PHONE varchar(8),
V_STATE varchar(2),
V_ORDER varchar(1)
INSERT INTO VENDOR VALUES('21225','Bryson, Inc.','Smithson','615','223-3234','TN','Y');
INSERT INTO VENDOR VALUES('21226','SuperLoo, Inc.','Flushing','904','215-8995','FL','N');
INSERT INTO VENDOR VALUES('21231','D&E Supply','Singh','615','228-3245','TN','Y');
INSERT INTO VENDOR VALUES('21344','Gomez Bros.','Ortega','615','889-2546','KY','N');
INSERT INTO VENDOR VALUES('22567','Dome Supply','Smith','901','678-1419','GA','N');
INSERT INTO VENDOR VALUES('23119','Randsets Ltd.','Anderson','901','678-3998','GA','Y');
INSERT INTO VENDOR VALUES('24004','Brackman Bros.','Browning','615','228-1410','TN','N');
INSERT INTO VENDOR VALUES('24288','ORDVA, Inc.','Hakford','615','898-1234','TN','Y');
INSERT INTO VENDOR VALUES('25443','B&K, Inc.','Smith','904','227-0093','FL','N');
INSERT INTO VENDOR VALUES('25501','Damal Supplies','Smythe','615','890-3529','TN','N');
INSERT INTO VENDOR VALUES('25595','Rubicon Systems','Orton','904','456-0092','FL','Y');


Expert Solution

1.Table Name :Customer
CUS_LNAME varchar(15),
CUS_FNAME varchar(15),
CUS_INITIAL varchar(1),
CUS_AREACODE varchar(3),
CUS_PHONE varchar(8),
CUS_BALANCE float(8)
/*inserting records*/
INSERT INTO CUSTOMER VALUES('10010','Ramas','Alfred','A','615','844-2573','0');
INSERT INTO CUSTOMER VALUES('10011','Dunne','Leona','K','713','894-1238','0');
INSERT INTO CUSTOMER VALUES('10012','Smith','Kathy','W','615','894-2285','345.86');
INSERT INTO CUSTOMER VALUES('10013','Olowski','Paul','F','615','894-2180','536.75');
INSERT INTO CUSTOMER VALUES('10014','Orlando','Myron','','615','222-1672','0');
INSERT INTO CUSTOMER VALUES('10015','O''Brian','Amy','B','713','442-3381','0');
INSERT INTO CUSTOMER VALUES('10016','Brown','James','G','615','297-1228','221.19');
INSERT INTO CUSTOMER VALUES('10017','Williams','George','','615','290-2556','768.93');
INSERT INTO CUSTOMER VALUES('10018','Farriss','Anne','G','713','382-7185','216.55');
INSERT INTO CUSTOMER VALUES('10019','Smith','Olette','K','615','297-3809','0');

/* -selecting records- */
select * from CUSTOMER;

Screen showing table data :


2.Table Name :Product

P_CODE varchar(10),
P_DESCRIPT varchar(35),
P_INDATE date,
P_QOH int,
P_MIN int,
P_PRICE float(8),
P_DISCOUNT float(8),
V_CODE int
/*inserting records*/
INSERT INTO PRODUCT VALUES('11QER/31','Power painter, 15 psi., 3-nozzle','2015-11-03','8','5','109.99','0','25595');
INSERT INTO PRODUCT VALUES('13-Q2/P2','7.25-in. pwr. saw blade','2015-12-13','32','15','14.99','0.05','');
INSERT INTO PRODUCT VALUES('14-Q1/L3','9.00-in. pwr. saw blade','2015-11-13','18','12','17.49','0','21344');
INSERT INTO PRODUCT VALUES('1546-QQ2','Hrd. cloth, 1/4-in., 2x50','2016-01-15','15','8','39.95','0','23119');
INSERT INTO PRODUCT VALUES('1558-QW1','Hrd. cloth, 1/2-in., 3x50','2016-01-15','23','5','43.99','0','23119');
INSERT INTO PRODUCT VALUES('2232/QTY','B&D jigsaw, 12-in. blade','2015-12-30','8','5','109.92','0.05','24288');
INSERT INTO PRODUCT VALUES('2232/QWE','B&D jigsaw, 8-in. blade','2015-12-24','6','5','99.87','0.05','24288');
INSERT INTO PRODUCT VALUES('2238/QPD','B&D cordless drill, 1/2-in.','2016-01-20','12','5','38.95','0.05','25595');
INSERT INTO PRODUCT VALUES('23109-HB','Claw hammer','2016-01-12','23','10','9.95','0.1','21225');
INSERT INTO PRODUCT VALUES('23114-AA','Sledge hammer,12 lb.','2016-01-2','8','5','14.40','0.05',null);
INSERT INTO PRODUCT VALUES('54778-2T','Rat-tail file, 1/8-in. fine','2015-12-15','43','20','4.99','0','21344');
INSERT INTO PRODUCT VALUES('89-WRE-Q','Hicut chain saw, 16 in.','2016-02-17','11','5','256.99','0.05','24288');
INSERT INTO PRODUCT VALUES('PVC23DRT','PVC pipe, 3.5-in., 8-ft','2016-02-27','188','75','5.87','0','24004');
INSERT INTO PRODUCT VALUES('SM-18277','1.25-in. metal screw, 25','2016-03-01','172','75','6.99','0','21225');
INSERT INTO PRODUCT VALUES('SW-23116','2.5-in. wd. screw, 50','2016-02-14','237','100','8.45','0','21231');
INSERT INTO PRODUCT VALUES('WR3/TT3','Steel matting, 4''x8''x1/6", .5" mesh','2016-01-27','18','5','119.95','0.1','25595');

/* -selecting records- */
select * from product;

Screen showing table data :


3.Table Name :VENDOR
V_CODE int,
V_NAME varchar(15),
V_CONTACT varchar(50),
V_AREACODE varchar(3),
V_PHONE varchar(8),
V_STATE varchar(2),
V_ORDER varchar(1)
/*inserting records*/
INSERT INTO VENDOR VALUES('21225','Bryson, Inc.','Smithson','615','223-3234','TN','Y');
INSERT INTO VENDOR VALUES('21226','SuperLoo, Inc.','Flushing','904','215-8995','FL','N');
INSERT INTO VENDOR VALUES('21231','D&E Supply','Singh','615','228-3245','TN','Y');
INSERT INTO VENDOR VALUES('21344','Gomez Bros.','Ortega','615','889-2546','KY','N');
INSERT INTO VENDOR VALUES('22567','Dome Supply','Smith','901','678-1419','GA','N');
INSERT INTO VENDOR VALUES('23119','Randsets Ltd.','Anderson','901','678-3998','GA','Y');
INSERT INTO VENDOR VALUES('24004','Brackman Bros.','Browning','615','228-1410','TN','N');
INSERT INTO VENDOR VALUES('24288','ORDVA, Inc.','Hakford','615','898-1234','TN','Y');
INSERT INTO VENDOR VALUES('25443','B&K, Inc.','Smith','904','227-0093','FL','N');
INSERT INTO VENDOR VALUES('25501','Damal Supplies','Smythe','615','890-3529','TN','N');
INSERT INTO VENDOR VALUES('25595','Rubicon Systems','Orton','904','456-0092','FL','Y');

/*selecting records*/
select * from vendor;

Screen showing table data :


4.Table Name :INVOICE
INV_DATE date,
INV_SUBTOTAL float(8),
INV_TAX float(8),
INV_TOTAL float(8)
/*inserting records*/
INSERT INTO INVOICE VALUES('1001','10014','2016/1/16','24.90','1.99','26.89');
INSERT INTO INVOICE VALUES('1002','10011','2016/1/16','9.98','0.80','10.78');
INSERT INTO INVOICE VALUES('1003','10012','2016/1/16','153.85','12.31','166.16');
INSERT INTO INVOICE VALUES('1004','10011','2017/1/17','34.97','2.80','37.77');
INSERT INTO INVOICE VALUES('1005','10018','2017/1/16','70.44','5.64','76.08');
INSERT INTO INVOICE VALUES('1006','10014','2017/1/16','397.83','31.83','429.66');
INSERT INTO INVOICE VALUES('1007','10015','2017/1/16','34.97','2.80','37.77');
INSERT INTO INVOICE VALUES('1008','10011','2017/1/16','399.15','31.93','431.08');

/* -selecting records- */
select * from INVOICE;
Screen showing table data :


5.Table Name :LINE
P_CODE varchar(10),
LINE_UNITS float(8),
LINE_PRICE float(8),
LINE_TOTAL float(8)
/*inserting records*/
INSERT INTO LINE VALUES('1001','1','13-Q2/P2','1','14.99','14.99');
INSERT INTO LINE VALUES('1001','2','23109-HB','1','9.95','9.95');
INSERT INTO LINE VALUES('1002','1','54778-2T','2','4.99','9.98');
INSERT INTO LINE VALUES('1003','1','2238/QPD','1','38.95','38.95');
INSERT INTO LINE VALUES('1003','2','1546-QQ2','1','39.95','39.95');
INSERT INTO LINE VALUES('1003','3','13-Q2/P2','5','14.99','74.95');
INSERT INTO LINE VALUES('1004','1','54778-2T','3','4.99','14.97');
INSERT INTO LINE VALUES('1004','2','23109-HB','2','9.95','19.90');
INSERT INTO LINE VALUES('1005','1','PVC23DRT','12','5.87','70.44');
INSERT INTO LINE VALUES('1006','1','SM-18277','3','6.99','20.97');
INSERT INTO LINE VALUES('1006','2','2232/QTY','1','109.92','109.92');
INSERT INTO LINE VALUES('1006','3','23109-HB','1','9.95','9.95');
INSERT INTO LINE VALUES('1006','4','89-WRE-Q','1','256.99','256.99');
INSERT INTO LINE VALUES('1007','1','13-Q2/P2','2','14.99','29.98');
INSERT INTO LINE VALUES('1007','2','54778-2T','1','4.99','4.99');
INSERT INTO LINE VALUES('1008','1','PVC23DRT','5','5.87','29.35');
INSERT INTO LINE VALUES('1008','2','WR3/TT3','3','119.95','359.85');
INSERT INTO LINE VALUES('1008','3','23109-HB','1','9.95','9.95');

/*selecting records*/
select * from LINE;

Screen showing table data :

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