In: Computer Science
create database sample;
use sample;
create table customer (custno int auto_increment primary key,
firstname varchar(20), middle varchar(20), lastname varchar(20),
address varchar(60), telnum1 varchar(10), telnum2 varchar(10),
telnum3 varchar(10), pin varchar(6), email varchar(30));
create table accttype (id int primary key, type varchar(10));
insert into accttype (id, type) values (1,'check');
insert into accttype (id, type) values (2,'save');
insert into accttype (id, type) values (3,'cd');
insert into accttype (id, type) values (4,'visa');
insert into accttype (id, type) values (5,'debit');
insert into accttype (id, type) values (6,'home');
create table account (acctno int auto_increment primary key, custno
int, type int, balance double, index acpair(acctno,custno), foreign
key (custno) references customer(custno), foreign key (type)
references accttype(id));
insert into customer
values('John','Quincy','Adams','PO Box 1234, Allentown, PA
18101','6102561034','2564','[email protected]');
insert into customer
values('Richard','Milhouse','Nixon','120 Union Avenue, Bethlehem,
18018','6102111210','4843201457','9873','[email protected]');
insert into customer
values('David','Dwight','Eisenhower','34 Main Street, Folgelsville,
18025','6104561234','4849871200','63712','[email protected]');
insert into account (custno, type, balance) values
insert into account (custno, type, balance) values
insert into account (custno, type, balance) values
insert into account (custno, type, balance) values
insert into account (custno, type, balance) values (1,5,0.0);
insert into account (custno, type, balance) values
insert into account (custno, type, balance) values
insert into account (custno, type, balance) values
insert into account (custno, type, balance) values (2,5,0.0);
insert into account (custno, type, balance) values
insert into account (custno, type, balance) values
insert into account (custno, type, balance) values
create table checking (acctno int, custno int, primary key (acctno,
custno), index acpair(acctno,custno), foreign key (acctno,custno)
references account(acctno, custno));
insert into checking (acctno, custno) values (1,1);
insert into checking (acctno, custno) values (6,2);
create table saving (acctno int, custno int, apr double, primary
key (acctno, custno), index acpair(acctno,custno), foreign key
(acctno,custno) references account(acctno,custno));
insert into saving (acctno, custno, apr) values (2,1,0.25);
insert into saving (acctno, custno, apr) values (7,2,0.015);
insert into saving (acctno, custno, apr) values (10,3,0.005);
create table cd (acctno int, custno int, apr double, mature date,
primary key (acctno, custno), index acpair(acctno,custno), foreign
key (acctno,custno) references account(acctno,custno));
insert into cd (acctno, custno, apr, mature) values
insert into cd (acctno, custno, apr, mature) values
create table visa (acctno int, custno int, minpay double, due date,
rate double, primary key (acctno, custno), index
acpair(acctno,custno), foreign key (acctno,custno) references
insert into visa (acctno, custno, minpay, due, rate) values
insert into visa (acctno, custno, minpay, due, rate) values
create table debit (acctno int, custno int, primary key (acctno,
custno), index acpair(acctno,custno), foreign key (acctno,custno)
references account(acctno,custno));
insert into debit (acctno, custno) values (5,1);
insert into debit (acctno, custno) values (9,2);
create table home (acctno int, custno int, payment double, due
date, rate double, term int, primary key (acctno, custno), index
acpair(acctno,custno), foreign key (acctno,custno) references
insert into home (acctno, custno, payment, due, rate, term) values
# It is a good idea to do all further work with the sample database
as a regular user
# as opposed to the root user. To get up yourself as a user, invoke
the mysql command
# as the root user then enter at the mysql prompt:
# mysql> create user <yourID>@localhost identified by
# check to make sure this worked with:
# mysql> select user, host from mysql.user;
# Then give yourID permissions to use the sample DB:
# mysql> grant all privileges on sample.* to
# To verify, log into mysql with the command:
# $ mysql -u yourID -p
# and enter the password. When logged in enter:
# mysql use sample;
# To verify enter:
# mysql> show tables;
Creating user with name test and password testpass
Showing all the tables
I hope this will help.