In: Economics
Han and Tang China versus Rome (Influence on neighbouring regions)
Language: Chinese empire used Chinese as the main language unified across it's empire. However the Rome’s Latin was not applied throughout its neighbouring regions. It indicates that the Roman Empire had much less unison compared to the Chinese Empire politically and spiritually.
Neighbour's influence: The influence on its neighbours by Roman Empire was considerably much lower compared to the Chinese Empire did with its neighbours. The empire of Tang China influenced man of it neighbouring regions thus causing and everlasting impact on these areas
Demography: The maximum population in Han was nearly 58 million. While the Roman empire's size of population has been traditionally at around 55-60 million, and demographic peak estimates from 60-70 million ("low count") to over 100 million inhabitants during the mid-2nd century AD range.
Society: The society in Rome was a relatively hierarchical society where in each social group was provided the defined roles; while society in Han was divided into many classes wherein each class played a role within the complex society.
Law: The Roman society essence was relationships governed by courts and laws; while Han was an extensive slavery institution where the slave laborers were used in huge numbers in the production of goods.
Religion: The religion in Han was less extensive than the ancient Rome religion. The rulers in Rome organized a state religion while Han applied Confucian thought as the main empire ideology.
People they conquered: The Roman Empire's outer regions were basically just controlled by the empire; and were not forced to change their religious and cultural values. For the Roman a very thick line existed among them and the people they conquered; and it was not prominent in the empire of China.