In: Computer Science
Read the narrative below and prepare a system flowchart for the process:
The AA Company is a magazine distributor that maintains a file of magazine subscribers for creating monthly mailing labels. Magazine subscribers mail change-of-address forms or new-subscription forms directly to the company, where input personnel key the information into the system through online terminals. The computer system temporarily stores this information as file of address-change or new subscription requests. Input personnel staff keys these data into computer files continuously, thus this file is named as “daily processing”.
Once a week, the system uses the information in the daily processing file to update the subscriber master file. At this time, new subscriber names and addresses are added to the file, and the addresses of existing subscribers who have moved are changed. The system also prepares a Master File Maintenance Processing Report to indicate what additions and modifications were made to the file. The report is reviewed by the input personnel before the personnel confirmed the content of the report. The system then prints the confirmed report and the personnel hands this report to the management.