
In: Operations Management

Why is it important to have a clear speech goal? Discuss this from the perspective of...

Why is it important to have a clear speech goal?

Discuss this from the perspective of both audience and speaker.


Expert Solution

Clear speech.

Clear speech is that technique of speaking in which the speaker tries to express each and every word and sentence in a brief, accurate and fully formed manner. It is not aloud, monotonous, artificial and exaggerated. Clear speech is:

* Accurate and fully formed .

* Slower but natural .

* Louder but natural.

* Full range of voice tone with the proper stress on keywords.

* Featured by pauses between all the Phrases and sentences.

Effective clear speech is basic to individuals personal and professional life. Failure to speak early is not a small inconvenience ;it may have serious implications for your personal image and your professional success. When the audience struggle to understand what you are saying , they normally ignore you. Enhancing clarity not only supports your communication skills, it improves your image and make others more responsible to your message.


Speaking clearly -using the right words and the right tone is very important part of a communication. The importance of clear speech is as follows:

* Speaking clearly and effectively is important for customers to walk away without questions and to leave no room for error in communication .

* Speaking efficiently and politely help show that the speaker is  knowledgeable about the topic and respect the listener.

* Clear speech helps to form connections, influence decisions and motivate the changes .

* Without proper communication skills and clear speech, the ability to progress in the corporate world and a life is nearly impossible.

* Clear speech creates the positive work culture in the organisation system . When the employees are clear about what is expected out of them, it will boost the productivity and job satisfaction resulting in positive work culture.

* When employees have clear idea about the organisational goals and visions then nobody could stop the growth and innovation of the company.

* Speaking openly and clearly and with empathy will help in building relationship with the team and boost their spirit towards productivity.

* Speaking clearly and confidently can gain the attention of an audience, providing them the golden opportunity for the speaker to make the message known.

* Clear speech enhances the individuals ability to stand out from the rest of the world. As the ability to stand before others and speak effectively is not an ordinary ability.

* Well developed and clear speech can increase ones Negotiation skills. Self confidence is improved. A reputation for excellence in speaking Can accrue overtime and creates a credibility to the speaker.

* Employers have always valued the ability to speak well. It is an important skill which will lead to the career enhancement of employees.


A good informative speech conveys the accurate information to the audience in a way that keeps the listener interested in the topic. Achieving the three of the goals I.e., accuracy, clarity and interest is the key of the effectiveness of a speaker.The importance of clear speech from the perspective of audience is as follows:

* Audience expects a carefully narrowed topic and purpose which could give an accurate picture that is not misleading.

* The speaker must ensure that the information provided to the audience must be current and accurate. As people understand that the technology changes rapidly so so the updation of the information constantly is expected from the audience.

* In order for your audience to benefit from your speech, the ideas must be conveyed in a fashion that the listeners can understand. The clarity of the speech relies on logical organisation and understandable word choices.

* Audience expect the speech. in addition to being clear; must be interesting. Audience will benefit the most if they give attention to the speech and this is unlikely to happen if they are bored.

* The speech must be simple and clear and in the language understandable by listener.

* Listener expects the speaker to understand that the assumption that 'everybody knows 'is wrong and they want each and every word to be clarified so that the correct meaning could be analysed.

* Audience always want to be in the centre stage in the mind of the speaker . It is a strategy to make the topic more real to the Listener.


Speaking effectively is defined as speaking in such a way that your message is clearly heard and if possible acted upon. What you say and how you say it are the main elements in speaking. Clear speech is important both for the audience and the speaker . The importance of clear speech for speaker is as follows.

* Clear speech enhances the speakers credibility. It refers to the audience perception that the speaker is well prepared and qualified for the topic. Audience will have no motivation to listen to the speaker if they perceive the lack of authority and credibility.

* Clear speech indicates that the speakers are up-to-date, reliable unbiased and directly relevant .

* It allow the speaker to form connections, influence the decisions and motivate the changes.

* Without proper communication skills , the ability to progress in the corporate word and in life is almost impossible. Speaker with clear speech is being viewed as more confident accurate ,knowledgeable, intelligent and likeable by the audience.

* Effective and clear speech help the speaker with the career advancement as it indicates creativity, leadership abilities, calmness and professionalism which are very valuable for the job market .

* Clear speech encourages the audience to speak and gives the opportunity to network to the speaker . It is a valuable opportunity for making friends, building business contracts and generating business.

* Clear speech gives you a better opportunity to speak to a captive audience about what really matters to you will get a chance to influence your peers . You cannot change the word with every speech, but you can easily impact someone in some small way.

* With clear speech speaker becomes conscious of timing, when to pause and how long to speak. Your articulation will be clear and you become more confident and learn performance skills .

* Speakers can drive change with the clear speech as it is easier to make the concept understood to the audience.


Speaking clearly is important. It affects relationship.It is very important to use the words that fits your audience and matches the purpose. Inappropriate speech can damage the speakers credibility ,undermines the speaker's argument and alienation of audience. It is very important at the workplace because it allows the companies to be productive and operate effectively. If the employees are able to speak up clearly it increases their morale ,productivity and commitment.

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