In: Statistics and Probability
a professor was interested in testing the difference between two types of instructional methods, online vs classroom instruction. the professor used the final exam to see which method was better. what type of t test would you recommend for the statistical analysis.
To test the difference between two types of instructional methods, online vs classroom instruction. the professor used the scores to see which method was better we can use an Independent Samples t-test compares the means of the scores by two given methods.
The independent samples t test (also called the unpaired samples t test) is the most common form of the T test. It helps you to compare the means of two sets of data.
Here for example we believe that online teaching, done properly, is generally more effective than classroom teaching. Then our null hypothesis will be online teaching is not more effective than classroom teaching. In notation
- population mean of scores of students obtain by online teaching
- population mean of scores of students obtain by classroom
teaching method.
Where suffix 'o' represents online teaching and suffix 'c' represents classroom teaching.
By finding test statistics and critical value and comparing them we will be able to find which method is more effective easily.