In: Operations Management
Any place the individuals dwell in Ghana or in the diaspora-all Ghanaians have family members by blood or relationships and companions and colleagues in Ghana. At a certain point or the other in our lives, a few of us, our friends and family, or colleagues have visited or will visit our clinics for treatment. On numerous events, the encounters of these individuals are, might have been, or will be typical justifying no remarks or cause for energetically approaching our Government and kinsmen to hold hands to help improve our framework. Once in a while, be that as it may, the encounters are, have been, or would be anything besides typical requiring the harshest potential reactions and racket though Ghanaians to help rescue the wellbeing couldn't care less framework from its descending slide. For these last circumstances, objective on-lookers bring up issues about the nature of our social insurance framework and the moral principles undergirding it.
Proposed arrangements are as per the following:
1. We should all squeeze our administration authorities by sharing these encounters as they emerge, trusting that they would be woken to welcome the gravity of the issue and utilize our assets beneficially to organize and redo such indispensable parts of our socio-political framework as the medicinal services division. In the event that we can burn through many millions on our fiftieth festivals, our presidential planes, royal residence, per diems and advantages for parliamentarians, we ought to have the option to forfeit to improve such indispensable parts of our human socio-political and practical capital as our medicinal services framework.
2. Emergency vehicle administration is woefully required wherever in the nation. Hence, in a crisis, including car crashes on the streets and abrupt respiratory failures in our living arrangements or work environments, experience that could be spared are lost either on the grounds that there are no crisis benefits and prepared experts to render emergency treatment administrations. One approach to handle this issue is for all Ghanaians to consider contributing what we can bear, either monetarily, strategically, or, at any rate one month-of the year intentional administrations to help. To this end, Ghanaians in the diaspora ought to consider
(a) serving willfully in our specialized topics, in any event, when a year in any piece of the nation, particularly in the Northern and Upper Regions where administrations are woefully required,
(b) establishing non-benefit associations and utilizing them as vehicles for raising assets to help reduce the difficulties tormenting the medicinal services framework by contributing for preparing of crisis clinical and mobile administrations all through the nation.
As a commonsense issue, overwhelming inquiries might be raised about responsibility for reserves raised, who to channel it through in Ghana, and so forth. While we can share thoughts through discussions on the issue, I will recommend that finances gathered ought to be channeled through the head of either the service of general wellbeing, or that of any or the entirety of the state funded colleges under a plan where such heads would be required to render yearly or half-yearly bookkeeping on how they spend the assets piped to them for these reasons. Correspondingly, a site ought to be opened for any individual who contributes anything to these charitable gatherings to enlist whatever they give so that Ghanaians can utilize those snippets of data to check and guarantee that the gifts are utilized capably. We ought to offer these types of assistance and commitments now when our dear nation is in the forested areas and keep on doing lush until the nation stands up in the clinical zone since Ghana is genuinely all we have and no one will do it for us.