In: Economics
Consider the relationship between individuals and communities. Oftentimes, this discussion is at the center about debates over technology and ethics. When considering the relationship between individuals and communities
Look at these two main considerations;
Using this schema as a guide, what is the relationship between the individual and his or her environmental community? What are the individual roles and responsibilities to act ethically when considering technological impact on the environment?
Individual has a strong role to play when it comes to environmental community. They have certain responsibility towards environment and should be concerned about the same. In today's technology driven era, every action of individual is leading towards the destruction of the environment. For instance, using the natural resources like petroleum from the earth will deplete the earth of its valuable resources. Moreover, the emission from the manufacturing plant will cause pollution and is harmful to the environment.
Thus it is the role of every individual to take care of environment. Individuals and the organizations are involved in Corporate Social Responsibility activities to protect the environment. They are involved in certain activities like adopting a village and taking care of the facilities there, education of the underpriviliged and poor kids and setting up Cancer Research foundation to offer treatment to underpriviliged people in order to create benefits for the society.
Individuals also need to take utmost care when it comes to benefit the society. their role is to create positives for the society and benefit the community.