The Affordable care act has change the health care enviroment in
America as:
- Young adult coverage: Under this act childern untill 26 are
covered by thier patents insurance. so till the time they cannot
find the full time job and able to to buy their own health
insurance they will be cvered with the insurance of their parents.
so this act helps young Americans to ensure that they have time to
get a path for healthy lifestyle and fiancial secuity.
- Women benifits: there are wide no of options to choose from for
women with their pre exixting condition like having cancer or being
pregnant. So they can save money by qualifing for the lower cost
monthly premium. for pregnent women in new regulations lots of
benifts are their such as free pre, during and post pregnancy
checkups. therefore now insurance premium is saame for both men and
- Four tiers of healthcare coverage: according to the affordable
care act 2014 there will be four tires of coverage as Bronze
60%coverage , Silver 70% coverage , Gold 80%
coverage , Platinum 90 % coverage . it is improtant for
alll the Americas to be covered with at least bronze coverage rest
they can update according to there need and budget.