In: Nursing
A patient has had a strong productive cough for 3 weeks. He complains of fever, chills, and night sweats. The radiograph is consistent with path infiltrates and blebs, In addition the white blood cell count is found elevated. Which of the following laboratory test would you recommend to render a diagnosis?
-blood culture
-acid fast staining
-coagulation studies
-sputum culture
The answer is sputum culture
It is a laboratory test that is used to check for bacteria or other organisms causing infection in the lungs or airways.
Here the answer is sputum culture because in the question it is mentioned that the patient is having a productive cough as well as the WBC level is high
Cough suggests that you have an illness caused by bacteria such as bronchitis, pneumonia or tuberculosis. Elevation on white blood cells determine an infection
Blood culture is an laboratory test used for finding foreign invaders like bacteria or other micro organisms in the blood. Here the patient is having productive cough, so the first choice should be sputum culture.
Acid fast staining is a laboratory test used to determine tuberculosis or other infection from a sample of body fluid or tissue.
Coagulation study is the test used to determine or measure the blood clotting capacity. It is mainly done when the patient has uncontrolled bleeding or thrombosis.
Therefore it is not suitable in this case.
The answer is sputum culture