RWM Article5.2:
“A Brief History of Mergers and Antitrust Policy”4.According to
the RWM article “A Brief History of Mergers and Antitrust Policy”
by Edward Herman, economists have differingviews regarding the
merits of government policies designed to increase competition and
break up monopolies.
a. Identify and explain 2 arguments in favor of an active
antitrust policy (breaking up monopolies)
b. Identify and explain 2 arguments in support of high levels of
market concentration
c. Is anti-trust policy still important in the...
Give a brief history of the “Great Recession”—be sure to explain
the practices in the mortgage industry that helped lead to it and
how it eventually affected the national economy.
Provide a brief history of the Federal Reserve, including an
explanation of why it was created.
Explain what the dual mandate is and how it guides the actions
of the Federal Reserve
Money supply
Describe the goals of the Federal Reserve’s monetary
Explain the tools used to regulate the money supply
Relationship with Congress
Explain who controls fiscal policy and how it attempts to close
a recessionary gap.
Describe why it is important for the Federal Reserve to