
In: Nursing

Describe the five areas that comprise social determinates of health.

  1. Describe the five areas that comprise social determinates of health.


Expert Solution

1. Five areas that comprise social determinates of health.

Health is influenced by many factors, they are generally organized into five broad categories known as determinants of health, they are:

· Genetics

· Behaviour

· Environmental and physical influences

· Medical care

· Social factors


Changes in many genes, will have a small effect, may underlie susceptibility to many common diseases, including

· Cancer

· Obesity

· Diabetes

· heart disease

· mental illness.

In people with a genetic predisposition, the risk of disease occurance depend on multiple factors in addition to an identified genetic change.


Behaviour of a human being can be determined by four primary factors they are, biological factors that are age and sex, biosocial factors that includes how people interact with each other, cultural factors regards to which culture they belong to, and the situational factors includes the environmental challenges they face.


The environmental and physical factors also affect the health. The environmental and physical problems which influence the health are,

· air pollution

· proximity to toxic sites

· contaminated water

· contaminated environments

· access to various health-related resources

· unhealthy foods


The medical care given to a patient will also affect the health of the patient. Sometimes based on the poverty level, racism, patients education level and income level, the care given to a patient will change, this will badly affect ones health.


Social factors also affect the health, these may include

· Poverty

· unequal access to health care

· stigma and racism

· patient's education

· income level

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