In: Nursing
Dollar store economy
Dollar store has not only made a market out of the detritus of a hyperproductive global manufacturing system , but is has also made it appealing - by making it amazingly cheap . Before the market meltdown of 2008 and the stagnant , jobless recovery that followed, the conventional wisdom about dollar stores- whether one of the three big corporate chains ( Dollar General, Family Dollar and Dollar tree ) or any of the the smaller chains ( like "99 cents only store ") or the world of independents - was that they appeal to only poor people.
The dollar - store combination has more to it than low store rents and really cheap products . The labour force needed to run a dollar store is a tiny , low - wage staff.
Profit margins have always been thin in the dollar stores . But
now that they are competing for the shrinking disposable income of
the middle class , there is a new kind of consultant out there -
the dollar - store fixer .