In: Nursing
The American Heart Association in collaboration with the American Academy of Pediatrics, American Association for Respiratory Care, American College of Emergency Physicians, The Society of Critical Care Anesthesiologists, and American Society of Anesthesiologists recently released a new guidance document surrounding the use of CPR during the COVID-19 pandemic. The guidelines state, “it is reasonable to consider age, comorbidities, and severity of illness in determining the appropriateness of resuscitation and balance the likelihood of success against the risk to rescuers and patients from whom resources are being diverted.” The full guidelines are available at
Answer the following:
If you were applying the consequential approach – how would you feel about these guidelines?
Would you be for them or against them? If you were applying the deontology approach – how would you feel about these guidelines? Would you be for them or against them?
Identify which approach – consequential, deontology or virtue-based ethics most closely applies to these guidelines. Justify in a sentence or two why you have chosen your answer.