
In: Computer Science

For the bit stream 1000000010110000000001, sketch the waveform for B8ZS and HDB3. You may make any...

For the bit stream 1000000010110000000001, sketch the waveform for B8ZS and HDB3. You may make any assumptions.


Expert Solution

Let's understand some background first:

AMI - it stands for Alternate Mark Inversion. Here, there are three voltage levels +v, 0 and -v. Binary 0 is represented using 0 voltage. And binary 1 is represented as +v if last 1 was represented as -v and vice versa. It means no two consecutive 1's can be represented as same voltage level, either +v or -v. Two consecutive 1's must be represented using opposite polarity.

Scramling is a technique used in case of 8 consecutive 0's.

B8ZS means Binary 8 Zero Substitution and is used for scrambling. 8 consecutive 0's are replaced by 000VB0VB.

V - It means violation of AMI rule. That means if previous 1 was represented using +v, then this bit will also be +v, and if previous 1 was represented using -v, then this bit will also be -v.

B - It means Bipolar, it simply means opposite voltage or polarity of previous bit.

HDB3 means High density bipolar 3 zero. Here 4 consecutive 0's are replaced by 000V or B00V according to following rule:

000V - This pattern will be used when the no. of non-zero (+v or -v) pulses are odd after last substitution.

B00V - This pattern will be used in case of no. of non-zero (+v or -v) pulses being even after last substitution.

Here, odd and even refers to the number of non-zero pulses after last substitution. For 1st substitution, there was only 1 non-zero pulse, hence odd.

For 2nd substitution, there were 3 non-zero pulses after 1st substitution hence, odd. For 3rd substitution, there were 0 non-zero pulses hence even.

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