Processing leaf litter is important for uptake and recycling
nutrients and production of aquatic invertebrates. The forest
produces a large amount of detritus, which accumulate in first
order streams. This supports aquatic systems wit organic matter and
nutrients. The leaf litters are thus subjected to physical
abrasions, shredding and fragmentation by invertebrates, fungi,
feeding, microbial degradations. The steps to facilitate the
processing of leaf litters in these first order streams are:
1. Sampling of water:
- Water samples are collected at different time (or season). The
samples are analysed for pH, total Nitrogen (TN), DOC, dissolved
ions, phosphorous, nitrates, ammonium.
- Water temperature was continuously monitored. Pendant
temperature/light loggers were attached on each side of the
- Depth, height, width, of the streams should be measured at
certain points (3 to 5) and averaged.
2. Study designing to measure decomposition:
- Samples of leaves are collected form various types of trees, in
vicinity or littering the first order stream.
- Principal content analysis (PCA) is conducted
- The leaves are air dried and each type of samples are further
separated for observation of processing by, invertebrates or
microbial decomposition.
- Size of the bags were varied to exclude microbial decomposition
from invertebrate processing. 15x15 cm fine mesh (0.5mm) bags could
be used to observe microbial decomposition. 12x 17 cm coarse mesh
(5mm) bags for invertebrates processing.
- At different sites of the stream, replicates of these bags,
with each type of leaf samples in fine mesh or coarse mesh bags,
are introduced. Some leaves require more time for decomposition,
accordingly the bags are removed for analysis. Like, for
conifers-around 85-95 days, for deciduous- around 55-60 days.
3. Calculation for mass loss and decomposition rates:
- The decomposed samples obtained from the study, are collected.
Some of the samples are analysed for calculations.
(AFDM= ash free dry mass)
- Decomposition rate= ln(Mt/M0)/t (Mt = mass after
time t, M0= initial mass).
4. Litter input, characterization and isolation of decomposers:
invertebrates, fungal bio mass, other organisms.
5. Fter detrmining the base line conditions, weather and
climate, the streams are accordingly augmented ad leaf litters are