In: Operations Management
How regulatory power of the state can influence corruption? Explain with example.
Answer 1) Corruption is something that is said to a way to earn illegal money. There are many countries where level of corruption is high and in some places corruption level is low so the question comes who gives the authority and how this corruption is done. Let’s talk about how regulatory power of the state can influence corruption:
1. Contracts and Agreements: Regulatory power of the state can influence corruption by taking contracts for building infrastructure at low prices and can show them to delegate authorities at high cost this is the reason from where 60% corruption comes into the action. Building hospitals, parks, road etc bring a lot of corruption
2. Voting Time: A lot of corruption occurs at the time of voting when people of ruling party purchases the votes, in this money is given to people for vote on their party name. This is also a common way of corruption
3. Taking loan and credit: Corruption occurs when people from ruling party take loans and credit and buy premium and luxury cars and houses then they disagree to pay back the amount of loan. In such cases the money of lenders and banks are dead it happens most of the time.