
In: Biology

You have been cultivating snapdragons in your garden and allowing plants to re-germinate each year from...

You have been cultivating snapdragons in your garden and allowing plants to re-germinate each year from seeds dropped by the previous year’s annual plants. You know that white flowers are recessive and count 9 white flower plants out of 100 that you examine. Do you find evidence for evolution acting in your population? If yes, could natural selection be involved?

Can we calculate using HWE here or we can't because if we calculate q^2 then we are assuming the population is in HWE. I was also thinking along the lines that if we calculate q , it wouldn't only be for homozygous recessive but also for heterozygous, thats why we can't know what proportion of q is homozygous recessive and thus compare it to original number of white flowers to see if evolution is happening. please tell me if this is correct or wrong.

AND PLEASE DONT ANSWER IF YOU AREN'T 100% SURE OF THE SOLUTION. ive seen answers to this question on chegg and im sure it ISNT correct. Thanks, ill definitely give you a thumbs up!


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