1. Show the reaction, along with the transition state (‡), between 2-methyl-2-pentene and BH3 in THF....

1. Show the reaction, along with the transition state (‡), between 2-methyl-2-pentene and BH3 in THF. Then, show the subsequent reaction of the organoborane intermediate with H2O2 and OH-1. Explain why hydroboration is non-Markovnikov and forms a 2o alcohol. Refer to hydroboration in the chapter notes, the handout for example 8.2, and figure 8.4 in text. (2 pts)

In: Chemistry

Using Stoichiometry,calculate the mole quantity of hydrogen gas produced for each data point in Part A...

Using Stoichiometry,calculate the mole quantity of hydrogen gas produced for each data point in Part A and Part B of this experiment using your data. Identify the concentration of HCl (part A) or mass of magnesium (part B)for when the limiting reactant changes. All calculations must be shown.

Part A

1. )0.250 g Mg

2. )0.50 M

3. )1.0 M

4. )1.5 M

5.) 2.0 M

6.) 2.5 M

7.) 3.0 M

8.) 3.5 M


1. 2.0 M HCl -Entre moles of calculated moles of H2 (g) from Part A.

2. 0.050 g

3. 0.10 g

4. 0.15 g

5. 0.20 g

6. 0.25 g -enter moles of calculated moles of H2 (g) from Part A.

7. 0.30 g

8. 0.35 g

9. 0.40 g Here is the data page. I hope the data page is legible!

PLEASE HELP! Even if you could just explain the process for just one of them that would be helpful. I assume once you get the first one the other ones should follow the same method of solving. I would really appreciate anyone's help as soon as possible.

In: Chemistry

A gas has a volume of 4.70 L at 0 ∘C. What final temperature, in degrees...

A gas has a volume of 4.70 L at 0 ∘C. What final temperature, in degrees Celsius, is needed to change the volume of the gas to each of the following, if n and P do not change?

a) 1.60 L

b) 1800 mL

c) 51.0 mL

In: Chemistry

Given: AgBr(s) <--> Ag+(aq) + Br -(aq) and Ag+(aq) + 2NH3(aq) <--> Ag(NH3)2+(aq) a) What would...


AgBr(s) <--> Ag+(aq) + Br -(aq)


Ag+(aq) + 2NH3(aq) <--> Ag(NH3)2+(aq)

a) What would be the value of K for AgBr(s) + 2NH3(aq) <--> Ag(NH3)2+(aq) + Br -(aq) ?

b) What would be the molar solubility of silver bromide in 2.00 M aqueous ammonia?

In: Chemistry

A 0.1276−g sample of a monoprotic acid (molar mass = 1.10 × 102 g/mol) was dissolved...

A 0.1276−g sample of a monoprotic acid (molar mass = 1.10 × 102 g/mol) was dissolved in 25.0 mL of water and titrated with 0.0633 M NaOH. After 10.0 mL of base had been added, the pH was determined to be 4.87. What is the Ka for the acid? Answer in scientific notation.

In: Chemistry

How do you read infrared spectrometry graphs and determine the types of bonds that are shown...

How do you read infrared spectrometry graphs and determine the types of bonds that are shown at each peak? Also, how would you read a graph and determine which compound is being shown?

In: Chemistry

Suppose 3 large tankers containing liquefied natural gas (LNG) leave a gas export terminal every day....

Suppose 3 large tankers containing liquefied natural gas (LNG) leave a gas export terminal every day. The methane is stored in liquid form in the tankers, at -260°F, in a volume 600 times smaller than would be needed in gas form, at STP (Standard Temperature and Pressure: 0°C temperature, 1 atm pressure). Suppose the average tanker at this port carries an amount of LNG equivalent to 125 million cubic meters of methane at STP. The energy content of methane is 38.5 MJ per cubic meter at STP. How many gigawatts (GW) of power does this daily flow of natural gas through the port represent?

In: Chemistry

Sorbose, C6H12O6, is a carbohydrate used in the manufacture of vitamin C. A lab supervisor at...

Sorbose, C6H12O6, is a carbohydrate used in the manufacture of vitamin C. A lab supervisor at Vital C Pharmaceuticals, Inc. suspected that an employee had sabotaged the production line by substituting xylitol, C5H12O5, a sweetener for "sugar-free" gum, for sorbose. Combustion analysis of the white powder found in the production line and in the employee's possession gave the following results: %C = 39.47; %H = 7.95; %O = 52.58 Was the employee guilty of sabotage and thus should the employee be fired for sabotage?

In: Chemistry

Consider the titration of a 26.0-mL sample of 0.175 M CH3NH2 with 0.155 M HBr. (The...

Consider the titration of a 26.0-mL sample of 0.175 M CH3NH2 with 0.155 M HBr. (The value of Kb for CH3NH2 is 4.4×10−4.)

A. Determine the initial pH.

B. Determine the pH at 6.0 mL of added acid.

C. Determine the pH at one-half of the equivalence point.

D. Determine the pH after adding 4.0 mL of acid beyond the equivalence point.

In: Chemistry

Which of the following will increase the number of theoretical plates in a chromatographic separation? Select...

Which of the following will increase the number of theoretical plates in a chromatographic separation? Select all that are appropriate.

decrease column packing particle size

increase column mobile phase flow rate

increase column length

change mobile phase to one with a greater analyte diffusion coefficent

In: Chemistry

1. After glycogen reserves are depleted what are the major gluconeogenic precursors of glucose under the...

1. After glycogen reserves are depleted what are the major gluconeogenic precursors of glucose under the conditions of

A. starvation

B. intense exercise

In: Chemistry

Calculate the pH change when 5.0 mL of 5.0-M NaOH is added to 0.500 L of...

Calculate the pH change when 5.0 mL of 5.0-M NaOH is added to 0.500 L of a solution of:

(The pKa for acetic acid is 4.74.)

a) 0.50-M acetic acid and 0.50-M sodium acetate.

pH change = _____

b) 0.050-M acetic acid and 0.050-M sodium acetate.

pH change = ______

c) 0.0050-M acetic acid and 0.0050-M sodium acetate.

pH change = _______

In: Chemistry

A mixture if Krypton and Neon gases, at a total pressure of 678mm Hg, contains 5.96...

A mixture if Krypton and Neon gases, at a total pressure of 678mm Hg, contains 5.96 grams of krypton and 4.42 grams of neon what is the partial pressure of each gas in the mixture in mm Hg?

In: Chemistry

Three flasks, labeled A, B, and C, contained aqueous solutions of the same pH. It was...

Three flasks, labeled A, B, and C, contained aqueous solutions of the same pH. It was known that one of the solutions was 1.0 × 10–3 M in nitric acid, one was 6 × 10–3 M in formic acid, and one was 4 × 10–2 M in the salt formed by the weak organic base aniline with hydrochloric acid (C6H5NH3Cl). (Formic acid is monoprotic.)

(a) Describe a procedure for identifying the solutions.

(b) Compare qualitatively (on the basis of the preceding information) the strengths of nitric and formic acids with each other and with the acid strength of the anilinium ion,

(c) Show how the information given may be used to derive values for Ka for formic acid and Kb for aniline. Derive these values.

In: Chemistry

The Common-Ion Effect and pH Buffers 1. Calculate the pH at 25°C of 1.00 L of...

The Common-Ion Effect and pH Buffers

1. Calculate the pH at 25°C of 1.00 L of a buffer that is 0.120 M HNO2 and 0.150 M NaNO2 before and after the addition of 1.00 mL of 12.0 M HCl.

pH Indicators and Acid–Base Titrations

2. A 25.0 mL sample of 0.100 M acetic acid is titrated with 0.125 M NaOH. Calculate the pH at 25°C of the titration mixture after 10.0, 20.0, and 30.0 mL of the base have been added.

Solubility Equilibria

3. pH of Milk of Magnesia What is the pH at 25°C of a saturated solution of magnesium hydroxide (the active ingredient in the antacid milk of magnesia)?

In: Chemistry