Which of the following gases has the lowest average speed at 25? NH2NH2 C2H4 He N2

Which of the following gases has the lowest average speed at 25?





In: Chemistry

When 4.00 moles of PCl5 (g) is put in a 1.00 L vessel the equilibrium: PCl3...

When 4.00 moles of PCl5 (g) is put in a 1.00 L vessel the equilibrium: PCl3 (g) + Cl2 (g) <--> PCl5 (g) is established. At equilibrium [Cl2]e = 5.20 x 10^-3 M. What is Kc for this equilibrium as written?

a.) 9.61 x 10^2

b.) 6.77 x 10^-6

c.) 1.48 x 10^5

d.) 9.0 x 10^-6

e.) impossible to determine

In: Chemistry

What is the maximum number of electrons in an atom that can have the following quantum...

What is the maximum number of electrons in an atom that can have the following quantum numbers?

A.) n=2; ms= -1/2

B.) n=5: l=3

C.) n=4; l=3; ml= -3

D.) n=4; l=1; ml=1

Completely confused! Please explain your answer. Thanks...

In: Chemistry

Based on your research, respond to the following: What are the differences between alkenes and alkynes?...

Based on your research, respond to the following: What are the differences between alkenes and alkynes? What are the differences between cis- and trans-isomers? How are cistrans isomers used for night vision?

In: Chemistry

For the reaction A+B+C→D+E, the initial reaction rate was measured for various initial concentrations of reactants....

For the reaction A+B+C→D+E, the initial reaction rate was measured for various initial concentrations of reactants. The following data were collected: Trial [A] (M) [B] (M) [C] (M) Initial rate (M/s) 1 0.20 0.20 0.20 6.0×10−5 2 0.20 0.20 0.60 1.8×10−4 3 0.40 0.20 0.20 2.4×10−4 4 0.40 0.40 0.20 2.4×10−4 Rate law equation The rate of a chemical reaction depends on the concentrations of the reactants. For the general reaction between Aand B, aA+bB⇌cC+dD The dependence of the reaction rate on the concentration of each reactant is given by the equation called the rate law: rate=k[A]m[B]n where k is a proportionality constant called the rate constant. The exponent m determines the reaction order with respect to A, and n determines the reaction order with respect to B. The overall reaction order equals the sum of the exponents (m+n). Part A What is the reaction order with respect to A? Express your answer as an integer. SubmitHintsMy AnswersGive UpReview Part Part B What is the reaction order with respect to B? Express your answer as an integer. SubmitHintsMy AnswersGive UpReview Part Part C What is the reaction order with respect to C? Express your answer as an integer.

In: Chemistry

When CS2(g) (6.828 mol) and 27.31 mol of H2(g) in a 360.0 L reaction vessel at...

When CS2(g) (6.828 mol) and 27.31 mol of H2(g) in a 360.0 L reaction vessel at 382.0 °C are allowed to come to equilibrium the mixture contains 52.58 grams of CH4(g). What concentration (mol/L) of H2(g) reacted?

  CS2(g)+4H2(g) = CH4(g)+2H2S(g)

When SbCl3(g) (4.334 mol) and 307.3 grams of Cl2(g) in a 420.0 L reaction vessel at 716.0 °C are allowed to come to equilibrium the mixture contains 0.007729 mol/L of SbCl5(g). What is the equilibrium concentration (mol/L) of SbCl3(g)?

SbCl3(g)+Cl2(g) = SbCl5(g)

When H2(g) (17.50 grams) and 0.02800 mol/L of D2(g) in a 310.0 L reaction vessel at 757.0 K are allowed to come to equilibrium the mixture contains 6.402 mol of HD(g). What is the equilibrium concentration (mol/L) of H2(g)?

  H2(g)+D2(g) = 2HD(g)

When a sample of (CH3CO2H)2(g) (493.2 grams) is placed in 390.0 L reaction vessel at 560.0 °C and allowed to come to equilibrium the mixture contains 0.01560 mol/L of CH3CO2H(g). What concentration (mol/L) of (CH3CO2H)2(g) reacted?

(CH3CO2H)2(g) = 2CH3CO2H(g)

When a sample of NO2(g) (1.005 mol) is placed in 490.0 L reaction vessel at 716.0 °C and allowed to come to equilibrium the mixture contains 26.17 grams of N2O4(g). What is the equilibrium concentration (mol/L) of NO2(g)?

2NO2(g) = N2O4(g)

When a sample of ClF(g) (7.263 mol) is placed in 56.00 L reaction vessel at 695.0 °C and allowed to come to equilibrium the mixture contains 60.06 grams of F2(g). What is the concentration (mol/L) of F2(g)?

  2ClF(g) = F2(g)+Cl2(g)


In: Chemistry

For the titration of 20.00 mL of 0.150 M HF with0.250 M NaOH, calculate: a) the...

For the titration of 20.00 mL of 0.150 M HF with0.250 M NaOH, calculate:

a) the initial pH;Ka= 6.6 x 10^-4

b) the pH when the neutralization is 25% complete

c) the pH when the neutralization is 50% complete

d) the pH when the neutralization is 100% complete

In: Chemistry

This is a very simpllistic approach to protein folding, which ignores solvent and volume effects, but...

This is a very simpllistic approach to protein folding, which ignores solvent and volume effects, but it allows us to practice what we have learned about thermodynamics and kinetics. Enzymes are long chains of amino acids that have to fold in the proper way so as to exhibit enzyme activity. They can catalyze certain reactions. Let us pick a reaction in the human body at 37 C, we will call it enzyme X.

Let's say that enzyme X is the catalyst responsible for breaking starch down to individual glucose molecules. What of the following things can happen to the starch and enzyme system if you rainse the temperature?

a-the rate of the reaction of starch going to glucose will increase

b-nothing should happen since a catalyst does not affect the equilibrium

c-the enzyme could stop working effectively becauset the folded form would stop being made and would start to unravel if the process is reversible

d-the equilibrium constant will get bigger to favor the glucose side more

In: Chemistry

A quantity of 2.30 × 102 mL of 0.900 M HNO3 is mixed with 2.30 ×...

A quantity of 2.30 × 102 mL of 0.900 M HNO3 is mixed with 2.30 × 102 mL of 0.450 M Ba(OH)2 in a constant-pressure calorimeter of negligible heat capacity. The initial temperature of both solutions is the same at 18.46°C. The heat of neutralization when 1.00 mol of HNO3 reacts with 0.500 mol Ba(OH)2 is −56.2 kJ/mol. Assume that the densities and specific heats of the solution are the same as for water (1.00 g/mL and 4.184 J/g · °C, respectively). What is the final temperature of the solution? (in C)

In: Chemistry

please answer all or explain. 11. Circle the statement that is not true for hemoglobin. A.The...

please answer all or explain.

11. Circle the statement that is not true for hemoglobin.

A.The R-state has a high affinity for diatomic oxygen.

B. 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate stabilizes the T-state.

C. Carbon monoxide stabilizes the R-state.

D. H+ ions stabilize the R-state.

12. Circle the statement that is not true for CO2.

A. It is a non-polar molecule that can diffuse across cell membranes.

B. It can combine with terminal amines on proteins to form carbamates.

C. It is primarily transported in the blood as HCO3.

D. It inhibits the release of O2 from hemoglobin.

13. What environmental pressure is considered responsible for keeping the sickle cell gene in the human gene pool?

14. Circle the statement that is not true for an enzyme.

A. It reduces ΔG for a reaction.

B. It stabilizes the transition state in a reaction.

C. It increases the reaction rate in both the forward and reverse directions.

D. It has a catalytic site that is a crevice or cleft in the molecule.

15. What are the two types of cofactors that interact with enzyme? (8 points)

In: Chemistry

Enough of a monoprotic acid is dissolved in water to produce a 0.0129 M solution. The...

Enough of a monoprotic acid is dissolved in water to produce a 0.0129 M solution. The pH of the resulting solution is 2.69. Calculate the Ka for the acid.

In: Chemistry

Small rocket engines, such as model rockets, contain KClO33 to provide oxygen for the combustion reaction...

Small rocket engines, such as model rockets, contain KClO33 to provide oxygen for the combustion reaction fueling the rocket motor. The relevant reaction for KClO33 is: 2 KClO33(s) → 2 KCl(s) + 3 O22(g)

If 117.0 grams of solid KClO33 are burned in one of these rocket motors, how many liters of gaseous O22 are produced at 1.18 atm of pressure and 550.0 ºC?

Gaseous sulfur dioxide, a component of acid rain, is made as a product of the combustion of sulfur-containing fuels. Calculate the volume of sulfur dioxide produced at 22.4 °C and 0.925 atm by the combustion of 8902 g of fuel that contains 5.55% of sulfur by mass. S88 (s) + 8 O22(g)→ 8 SO22(g)

In: Chemistry

how much 5.60 M NaOH must be added to a 420.0 ml of a buffer that...

how much 5.60 M NaOH must be added to a 420.0 ml of a buffer that is 0.0205 M acetic acid and 0.0245 M sodium acetate to raise the pH to 5.75?

In: Chemistry

Please explain in detail the mechanisims by which these biologicals work on a patient with NSCLC?...

Please explain in detail the mechanisims by which these biologicals work on a patient with NSCLC?

A) Gefitinib aka Iressa

B) Erlotinib aka Tarceva

C) Afatinib aka Giotrif

In: Chemistry

If 4 moles of oxygen and 2 moles of nitrogen gas occupy 12 liters at a...

If 4 moles of oxygen and 2 moles of nitrogen gas occupy 12 liters at a total pressure of 6 Atm, the partial pressure of oxygen gas in the container is?

In: Chemistry