Two enterprising chemistry students decide to develop an alternative to Alka-Seltzer tablets, replacing the aspirin (acetylsalicylic...

Two enterprising chemistry students decide to develop an alternative to Alka-Seltzer tablets, replacing the aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) with vitamin c (ascorbic acid). The following table shows one of the formulations they tried for a 5 g tablet.

ingredient formula Quantity (mg)
Sodium bicarbonate NaHCO3 1991
citric acid H3C6H5O7 886
vitamin c HC6H7O6 370
inert binder 1753

When the tablet dissolves in water, it "frizzes" as the bicarbonate reacts with the citric acid and the vitamin C. What mass of NaHCO3 reacts with the vitamin C?

Citric acid is triprotic, and reacts with the base to form the citrate ino (C6H5O73-). Write the overall ionic reaction for the acidification of the NaHCO3 by the citric acid, giving CO2 as the product. Citric acid should be written as H3C6H5O7 in the net ionic equation, as weak acids are written in the molecular form even though they slightly ionize.

What mass of the NaHCO3 reacts with the citric acid?

What is the mass of CO2 released in this reaction?

THe remaining NaHCO3 is available to neautralize stomach acid. What mass of stomach HCL could be neutralized by one tablet?

In: Chemistry

Under what geochemical conditions is uranium soluble in water as an ion with 6+ charge? [Select...

Under what geochemical conditions is uranium soluble in water as an ion with 6+ charge? [Select ALL answers that apply]

Oxidizing and strongly acidic.

Reducing and strongly acidic.

Oxidizing and strongly basic.

Reducing with neutral pH.

Oxidizing with neutral pH.

Reducing and strongly basic.

In: Chemistry

Write net Bronsted equations and determine the equilibrium constants for the acid-base reactions that occur when...

Write net Bronsted equations and determine the equilibrium constants for the acid-base reactions that occur when aqueous solutions of the following are mixed. Instructions: Enter all substances in the order listed at the top of the column.

Use a carot to indicate a superscript, but do nothing for subscripts.

Use a hyphen + greater than (->) for yields. Click on the eye symbol to check your formatting.

Report K to three sig figs even though it is good to only two. Group 1A and 7A ions (except fluoride) are spectator ions.

Reactants Rxn: Acid(1) + Base(2) = Base(1) + Acid(2) K (three sig figs)

A) hydrofluoric acid + potassium cyanide

B) perchloric acid + sodium cyanide

C) formic acid (HCHO2) + sodium nitrite

D) KHSO4 + NH3

E) H2S + KClO

In: Chemistry

A 100.0 mL solution containing 0.753 g of maleic acid (MW = 116.072 g/mol) is titrated...

A 100.0 mL solution containing 0.753 g of maleic acid (MW = 116.072 g/mol) is titrated with 0.259 M KOH. Calculate the pH of the solution after the addition of 50.0 mL of the KOH solution. Maleic acid has pKa values of 1.92 and 6.27.

At this pH, calculate the concentration of each form of maleic acid in the solution at equilibrium. The three forms of maleic acid are abbreviated H2M, HM–, and M2–, which represent the fully protonated, intermediate, and fully deprotonated forms, respectively.

In: Chemistry

A 39.7g piece of copper rod is heated to 98 degrees celsius and then placed in...

A 39.7g piece of copper rod is heated to 98 degrees celsius and then placed in an insulated container containing 50.7 grams of water at 18.3 degrees celsius. Assuming no loss of water and using the following parameters, what is the final temperature of the system? Assume that the container is always at the same temperature as that of the water.

Ccopper 0.387(J/gxK) CH2O 4.184(J/gxK) Cvessel 12.30 (J/K)

In: Chemistry

Describe how the solutions used in standard calibration curves differ from those used in a standard...

Describe how the solutions used in standard calibration curves differ from those used in a standard addition curve?

Describe how the concentration of an unknown analyte is found from a standard addition curve?

Why is distilled water used as a calibration blank?

In: Chemistry

Identify which component of the equilibrium reaction was added↑ or removed↓ as a result of the...

Identify which component of the equilibrium reaction was added↑ or removed↓ as a result of the applied stress.

CH3COOH (aq) + H2O(l) ⇆ H3O+ (aq) + CH3COO- (aq)

after added methyl orange (as indicator), color change to reddish orange.

then we split into two test tube, one as reference, other one we have to add 5 drops of 2M (NaCH3COO)


1. Identify which component of the equilibrium reaction was added↑ or removed↓ as a result of the applied stress.

2. As a result of the shift, which reaction species changed, resulting in the observed color change?

Indicate whether it increased↑ or decreased↓.

3. Give the ion(s) present in the equilibrium mixture causing the observed color:

really need help!! let me know if need more info.

In: Chemistry

Compare molecular orbital theory and ligand field theory for the construction of energy levels of metal...

Compare molecular orbital theory and ligand field theory for the construction of energy levels of metal complexes.

In: Chemistry

If the Ka of a monoprotic weak acid is 2.1 × 10-6, what is the pH...

If the Ka of a monoprotic weak acid is 2.1 × 10-6, what is the pH of a 0.43 M solution of this acid?

In: Chemistry

Compound X, isolated from lanolin (sheep's wool fat), has the pungent aroma of dirty sweatsocks. A...

Compound X, isolated from lanolin (sheep's wool fat), has the pungent aroma of dirty sweatsocks. A careful analysis showed that compound X contains 62% carbon and 10.4% hydrogen. No nitrogen or halogen was found.

a. Compute an empirical formula for compound X.

Express your answer as a condensed structural formula.

b. A molecular weight determination showed that compound X has a molecular weight of approximately 117. Find the molecular formula of compound X.

Express your answer as a condensed structural formula.

In: Chemistry

When issued a sample of homogenized mixture of sugar and salt, determine the %- composition of...

When issued a sample of homogenized mixture of sugar and salt, determine the %- composition of the mixture by means of conductivity measurements.

Describe all necessary steps and pertinent details of the work to be done, including explanation of how obtained data must be analyzed, to determine %-composition of a sucrose/NaCl (sugar/salt) mixture.

In: Chemistry

After a piece a potato being soaked and 20% NaCl with the mass be higher or...

After a piece a potato being soaked and 20% NaCl with the mass be higher or lower and why?

It's a piece a potato was soaked and 9% NaCl would the mass be higher or lower and why?

If a piece a potato was soaked and distilled water with the mass be higher or lower and why? All three pieces of potato were soaked for 45 min.

In: Chemistry

Briefly explain how we arrive at the formula 3N-6 for calculating the number of vibrational modes...

Briefly explain how we arrive at the formula 3N-6 for calculating the number of vibrational modes for a non-linear molecule. Why is the formula 3N-5 for linear molecules? (Be sure to talk about degrees of freedom in your explanation).

In: Chemistry

TYPED RESPONSE ONLY Choose a metal to describe in depth; do not choose a nonmetal already...


Choose a metal to describe in depth; do not choose a nonmetal already selected by another student. Include information on its discovery, history, abundance, physical and chemical properties, and uses or applications.

In: Chemistry

A 300.0 mL buffer solution is 0.220 M in acetic acid and 0.220 M in sodium...

A 300.0 mL buffer solution is 0.220 M in acetic acid and 0.220 M in sodium acetate.
What is the initial pH of this solution?
What is the pH after addition of 0.0100 mol of HCl?
What is the pH after addition of 0.0100 mol of NaOH?

Please explain I don't understand how to do this. thank you!

In: Chemistry