What are the major differences you would see in the infrared spectra of an alkane, alkene,...

What are the major differences you would see in the infrared spectra of an alkane, alkene, and alkyne?

In: Chemistry

1. In a lab, you will run 3 reactions, 2 of which will result in the...

1. In a lab, you will run 3 reactions, 2 of which will result in the formation of the product listed below.

Reaction 2: 10 mL of 0.1 M CuSO4 and 10 mL of 0.1 M NaOH

Reaction 3: 10 mL of 0.1 M Pb(NO3)2 and 10 mL of 0.1 M CuSO4

a. Write the full ionic and the net ionic equation for the reaction. Identify the spectator ions.

b. Identify the limiting reagent for the reaction. If there is no limiting reagent, explain why.

c. Calculate the theoretical yield in grams of the product.

d. Calculate the amount of excess reagent left at the end of the reaction in grams.

e. In a box, draw a model of the species present in the beaker at the end of each reaction. Be sure to identify the parts of the model.

In: Chemistry

If 42.8 mL of 0.200 M HCl solution is needed to neutralize a solution of Ca(OH)2,...

If 42.8 mL of 0.200 M HCl solution is needed to neutralize a solution of Ca(OH)2, how many grams of Ca(OH)2 must be in the solution?

In: Chemistry

Molecular weight: 93910.16 Theoretical pI: 6.03 1. 1. Based on the pI of Taq, what pH...

Molecular weight: 93910.16 Theoretical pI: 6.03 1.

1. Based on the pI of Taq, what pH buffer would you have to use to get Taq polymerase to stick to an anion exchanger?

Briefly discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using a salt or pH in eluting proteins from an ion-exchange column.

Please place details explaining how you arrived to ech answer for question 1

In: Chemistry

Hello I'm stuck on my chemistry lab report. a. calculate the heat gained by the water...

Hello I'm stuck on my chemistry lab report.

a. calculate the heat gained by the water in the calorimeter (qwater) after adding the aluminum.

b. calculate the heat gained by the calorimeter (qcal) after adding aluminum.

c. using results from questions a and b, calculate the heat lost by the aluminum (qmetal).

d. calculate the specific heat capacity of aluminum in J/gk.

e. determine percent error in the value of the heat capacity of aluminum by comparing it to its literature value.


mass of al: 50.17 g

temp of boiling water: 98.7 degrees celcius

volume of water: 50 ml

temperature of water at room temp: 23.9 degrees celcius

final temp of the system: 31.7 degrees celcius

In: Chemistry

3) For the case of 4% Al in Cu, why does the room temperature strength not...

3) For the case of 4% Al in Cu, why does the room temperature strength not decrease, while the hot aged samples show the increase then decrease in strength with time. Be sure to measure crystal structure and phase boundaries ?

Please type your answer!!! Thanks

In: Chemistry

A. The formation of organic compounds by the reaction (II) sulfide and carbonic acid is described...

A. The formation of organic compounds by the reaction (II) sulfide and carbonic acid is described by the following equaition: 2 FeS + H_2CO_3 ---> 2 FeO + 1/m (CHOH)_n + 2 S. How much FeO is produced starting with 1.50 g FeS and 0.515 moles of H_2CO_3 if the reaction results in a 75.50% yield?

B. A sealed chamber contains 7.50 g CH_4 and 12.00 g O_2. The mixture is ignited. How many grams of CO_2 are produced?

In: Chemistry

Write equations for the half-reactions that occur at the anode and cathode for the electrolysis of...

Write equations for the half-reactions that occur at the anode and cathode for the electrolysis of each of the following aqueous solutions. a) Ni(NO3)2 (aq) b)KCl (aq) c)CuBr2 (aq)

Take into account the aqueous solution. The oxidation and reduction of water have to be considered for each

In: Chemistry

Intermolecular forces, heating curves, phase diagrams, Clausius-Clapyron equation, and Unit cell calculations 1.     If 42.0 kJ...

Intermolecular forces, heating curves, phase diagrams, Clausius-Clapyron equation, and Unit cell calculations

1.     If 42.0 kJ of heat is added to a 32.0 g sample of liquid methane under 1 atm of pressure at a temperature of -170 oC, what are the final state and temperature of the methane once the system equilibrates? Assume no heat is lost to the surroundings. The normal boiling point of methane is -161.5 oC. The specific heats of liquid and gaseous methane are 3.48 and 2.22 J/g-K, respectively.

2.     The phase diagram for a hypothetical substance is shown below:

                a) Estimate the normal boiling point and freezing point of the substance.
                b) What is the physical state of the substance under the following conditions?
                    i) T = 150 K, P = 0.2 atm
                     ii) T = 100 K, P = 0.8 atm
                     iii) T = 300 K, P = 1.0 atm
                c) What is the triple point of the substance?

3.     Benzoic acid, C6H5COOH, melts at 122 oC. The density in the liquid state at 130 oC is 1.08 g/cm3. The density of solid benzoic acid at 15 oC is 1.266 g/cm3.

                a) In which of these two states is the average distance between molecules greater?

                b) Explain the difference in densities at the two temperatures in terms of the relative kinetic                           energies of the molecules.

4.     At standard temperature and pressure the molar volume of Cl2 and NH3 gases are 22.06 L and 22.40 L, respectively.
                a) Given the different molecular weights, dipole moments, and molecular shapes, why are their                                         molar volumes nearly the same?
                b) On cooling to 160 K, both substances form crystalline solids. Do you expect the molar                                                       volumes to decrease or increase on cooling to 160 K?
                c) The densities of crystalline Cl2 and NH3 at 160 K are 2.02 and 0.84 g/cm3, respectively.                                                         Calculate their molar volumes.
                d) Are the molar volumes in the solid state as similar as they are in the gaseous state? Explain. e) Would you expect the molar volumes in the liquid state to be closer to those in the solid or                                     gaseous state?

5.     Draw a heating curve for the conversion of 100 g of ice at -25 oC to steam at 125 oC. Temperatures should be labled but the sketch does not have to be to scal and the values for q do not need to be identified.

                a) Comparing the heating of water to the heating of steam, these lines should have a different                                        slope. Explain why that is.
                b) The length of the line for the conversion of water to steam should be much longer than the                                       line representing the amount of heat required to convert ice to water. Explain why that is.
                c) The specific heat capacities for ice, water, and steam are 2.03, 4.18, and 2.01 J/g-oC.
                     The DHvap of water is 40.65 kJ/mol and the DHfus of water is 6.01 kJ/mol.
                     Calculate the amount of heat required to convert 100 g of ice at 0 oC to steam at 100 o.

6. The following quote about ammonia (NH3) is from a textbook of inorganic chemistry: �It is estimated that 26% of the hydrogen bonding in NH3 breaks down on melting, 7% on warming from the melting to the boiling point, and the final 67% on transfer to the gas phase at the boiling point.� From the standpoint of the kinetic energy of the molecules, explain
                a) why there is a decrease of hydrogen-bonding energy on melting and
                b) why most of the loss in hydrogen bonding

7. Name the phase transition in each of the following situations and indicate whether it is exothermic or endothermic:
                a) Bromine vapor turns to bromine liquid as it is cooled.
                b) Crystals of iodine disappear from an evaporating dish as they stand in a fume hood.
                c) Rubbing alcohol in an open container slowly disappears.
                d) Molten lava from a volcano turns into solid rock.

8. Compounds like CCl2F2 are known as chlorofluorocarbons, or CFC's. These compounds were once widely used as refrigerants but are now being replaced by compounds that are believed to be less harmful to the environment. The heat of vaporization of CCl2F2 is 289 J/g. What mass of this substance must evaporate to freeze 200 g of water initially at 15 oC? (The heat of fusion of water is 334 J/g; the specific heat of water is 4.184 J/g-oC.)

9. The critical temperatures (K) and pressures (atm) of a series of halogenated methanes are as follows:

                a) List the intermolecular forces that occur for each compound.
                b) Predict the order of increasing intermolecular attraction, from least to most, for this series of                                      compounds.
                c) Predict the critical temperature and pressure for CCl4 based on the trends in this table.

10. Explain how each of the following affects the vapor pressure of a liquid:
                a) volume of the liquid,
                b) surface area,
                c) intermolecular attractive forces,
                d) temperature,
                e) density of the liquid.

11. Explain the following observations:
                a) Water evaporates more quickly on a hot, dry day than on a hot, humid day.
                b) It takes longer to cook an egg in boiling water at high altitudes than it does at lower altitudes.

12.         a) What is the significance of the critical point in a phase diagram?
                b) Why does the line that separates the gas and liquid phases end at the critical point?

13. The normal boiling point of acetone, an important laboratory and industrial solvent, is 56.2 oC and its DHvap is 25.5 kJ/mol. At what temperature (in oC) does acetone have a vapor pressure of 375 torr?

14. Selenium tetrafluoride, SeF4, is a colorless liquid. It has a vapor pressure of 757 mmHg at 105 oC and 522 mmHg at 95 oC. What is its heat of vaporization in kJ/mol?

15. Iron has a body-centered unit cell with a cell dimension of 286.65 pm.
            a) How many iron atoms are in each unit cell?
            b) Calculate the density of iron in g/cm3. (1 pm = 10-12 m)

16. Aluminum metal crystallizes in a cubic close-packed structure (face-centered cubic cell).
            a) How many aluminum atoms are in each unit cell?
            b) Estimate the edge of the unit cell from the atomic radius of Aluminum
                     (1.43 �, 1 � = 10-10 m).
            c) Calculate the density of aluminum metal.

In: Chemistry

Predict whether or not extraction will work for the separation of the following using water and...

Predict whether or not extraction will work for the separation of the following using water and dichloromethane as the two immiscible solvents. Give a reason for your prediction.

1. Paraffin wax from sodium chloride.

2. Decane from pentaerytritol, C(CH2Oh)4

3. Sodium benzoate from sodium chloride.

4. 1-Pentanol from 1-heanol.

In: Chemistry

1. Write the overall balanced equation corresponding to this abbreviated cell notation: Cr / Cr3+ //...

1. Write the overall balanced equation corresponding to this abbreviated cell notation: Cr / Cr3+ // Pb4+ , Pb2+ / Pt (Explain Reasoning)

2. Write the abbreviated cell notation for the reaction: 2Al(s) + 3 Cd(NO3)2 => 3 Cd + 2 Al(NO3)3 (Explain Reasoning)

In: Chemistry



In: Chemistry

Be sure to answer all parts find the value of S . Report the value with...

Be sure to answer all parts find the value of S . Report the value with the appropriate sign.

(a) 3 NO2( g ) + H2O( l ) 2 HNO3( l ) + NO( g ) J/K

(b) N2( g ) + 3 F2( g ) 2 NF3( g ) J/K

(c) C6H12O6( s ) + 6 O2( g ) 6 CO2( g ) + 6 H2O( g ) J/K

In: Chemistry

When 10.0 mL of 1.00 M AgNO3 solution is added to 10.0 mL of 1.00 M...

When 10.0 mL of 1.00 M AgNO3 solution is added to 10.0 mL of 1.00 M NaCl solution at 25.0 ° C in a calorimeter, a white precipitate of AgCl forms and the temperature of the aqueous mixture increases to 32.6 ° C. Assuming that the specific heat of the aqueous mixture is 4.18 J/(g °C), the density of the mixture is 1.00 g/mL, and the calorimeter itself absorbs a negligible amount of heat, what is ΔH in kJ/mol AgCl for this reaction?

Show the steps

In: Chemistry

For the reaction 3NO2(g)+H2O(l)→2HNO3(aq)+NO(g), What is the mass of HNO3 that is produced when 24.45 g...

For the reaction 3NO2(g)+H2O(l)→2HNO3(aq)+NO(g),
What is the mass of HNO3 that is produced when 24.45 g of NO2 and 24.45 g of H2O react

In: Chemistry