Define and write a sentence? What are the important mechanisms by which atoms are bonded?

Define and write a sentence?

What are the important mechanisms by which atoms are bonded?

In: Chemistry

Let's use 32 as the number of ATP produced per glucose's aerobic catabolism. (See the last...

Let's use 32 as the number of ATP produced per glucose's aerobic catabolism. (See the last sentence in the legend to Table 21.1 for the rationale for this number.)

Now, what would the ATP yield be, in aerobic catabolism, for the processing of dihydroxyacetone phosphate?


In: Chemistry

Experiment 1: Gravimetric Analysis with Calcium Chloride and Potassium Carbonate In this experiment, proper analytical experimental...

Experiment 1: Gravimetric Analysis with Calcium Chloride and Potassium Carbonate
In this experiment, proper analytical experimental techniques will be utilized to perform a double displacement reaction. A solution will be prepared containing a known quantity of calcium chloride. Then, the mass of calcium present will be determined through a careful precipitation of calcium carbonate. You will also investigate the hygroscopic nature of calcium chloride through a comparison reaction.
Scale250 mL Beaker50 mL BeakerStir rod4.0 g Calcium chloride, CaCl25.0 g Potassium carbonate, K2CO3100 mL Graduated CylinderPipetteRing for ring standRing stand

Funnel250 mL Erlenmeyer flask2 Filter papersWatch glassWeigh boat*170 mL Distilled water*10 mL Isopropyl alcohol
*You must provide

Place the weigh boat on the scale and determine its mass.
Add approximately 2.0 g of CaC to the weigh boat (the total mass should be     the mass of the weigh boat plus 2.0 g). Set this sample aside, and let it sit exposed to the air (but otherwise undisturbed) for 24 hours. Complete Steps 3 - 20 while you wait..
Place a 250 mL beaker on the scale. Tare the scale and leave the beaker on the scale..
Add approximately 2.0 g. of CaCl2 to the beaker. Record the exact mass of the powder in Table 1.
Remove the beaker from the scale. Use a pipette to add 50 mL of distilled water to the beaker and mix with the stir rod until all CaCl2 has dissolved.
             Note: This is an exothermic process, so the beaker may become warm.
Place a 50 mL beaker on the scale. Tare the scale and leave the beaker on the scale.
Add 2.5 g of K2CO3. Record the exact mass of the powder in Table 1.
Remove the beaker from the scale. Use a pipette to add 25 mL of distilled water   to the 50 mL beaker and mix with the stir rod until all K2CO3 has dissolved.
Add all of the K2CO3 solution to the beaker containing the CaCl2 solution. It is important that all of the K2CO3 is added. To ensure this, rinse the 50 mL beaker with up to 5 mL distilled water, and pour the rinse in the CaCl2 solution.
Stir the solution for approximately four minutes. Then, allow it to sit for 15 minutes. This gives sufficient time for all CaCO3 to precipitate.
While the solution is sitting, set up the filtration apparatus. Begin with an iron ring and a ring stand. Secure the ring to the stand. Be sure to select the ring size that most appropriately holds the funnel.
Place a funnel in the ring, and place a 250 mL Erlenmeyer flask below the ring, such that the bottom of the funnel is also inside the mouth of the flask.
Obtain a piece of filter paper. Use the scale to weigh the filter paper and record the mass in Table 1.
Obtain a watch glass. Use the scale to weigh the watch glass and record the mass in Table 1.
Fold the filter paper in half and in half again, so that it resembles a triangle with one arced side.
Pull apart one fold of the filter paper so that three sides of the filter paper remain together, with one side making up the other half of the funnel shape.
Place the paper into the funnel and seat with a small amount of distilled water (this will prevent the filter paper from rising up).
Filter the solution from the beaker (that you created in Step 9) slowly. Additional distilled water may also be used to transfer any remaining solid into the filtration apparatus.

After all the solution has been filtered, use the pipette to rinse the filter paper with approximately 5 mL of isopropyl alcohol to aid the drying process. Allow the isopropyl alcohol to completely drip through the filter before removing filter paper from the funnel.
Carefully remove the filter paper, unfold and place it precipitate-side up onto the pre-weighed watch glass. Be sure not to lose any product during this transfer.
Repeat Steps 3 - 20 for the CaCl2 that was allowed to sit exposed to air for 24 hours.
Allow the products from both trials to dry, undisturbed, for at least 24 hours and determine the mass of the product recovered by re-weighing the system and subtracting the weight of the filter paper and watch glass. Record your data in Table 1.

Table 1: Data and Observations
Trial 1
Trial 2
Mass of CaCl2:
Mass of K2CO3:
Mass of Filter Paper

Mass of Watch Glass

Mass of Product

Amount of Time Beaker Solution Stirred:

Amount of Time Beaker Solution Set:

Experimental Observations:


First Trial

Theoretical yield (CaCO3):

Actual yield (CaCO3):

Percent yield:

Moles of Ca present in original solution, based on actual yield:

Mass of CaCl2 present in original solution, based on actual yield:
Second Trial

Theoretical yield (CaCO3):

Actual yield (CaCO3):

Percent yield:

Moles of Ca present in original solution, based on actual yield:

Mass of CaCl2 present in original solution, based on actual yield

In: Chemistry

Which ions are paramagnetic and which ions are diamagnetic. Please explain why each ion is either...

Which ions are paramagnetic and which ions are diamagnetic. Please explain why each ion is either paramagnetic or diamagnetic.

In: Chemistry

Dark Blue: 9,10-Diphenylanthracene Light Blue: Perylene Green: 9,10-Bis(phenylethynyl)anthracene Yellow: Rubrene Orange: Rhodamine 6G The fluorophore suspensions...

Dark Blue: 9,10-Diphenylanthracene
Light Blue: Perylene
Green: 9,10-Bis(phenylethynyl)anthracene
Yellow: Rubrene
Orange: Rhodamine 6G

The fluorophore suspensions used listed above, I need to know which dye should work the best, glow the brightest? I know that conjugation of the molecule affects which color will be reflected, Is there a dye on this list that doesn't work as well as the others and why?

In: Chemistry

What comments can you make regarding person's potential for good “long-term” health as it related to...

What comments can you make regarding person's potential for good “long-term” health as it related to diet related diseases?

In: Chemistry

Calculate amount of energy obtained PER WEIGHT (not per molecule) of glucose vs. palmitic acid. Show...

Calculate amount of energy obtained PER WEIGHT (not per molecule) of glucose vs. palmitic acid. Show your calculations and the units. Compare the two numbers and briefly discuss their significance

In: Chemistry

ionization energy is usually expressed in units of kj/ mole 1000 j = 1 Kj use...

ionization energy is usually expressed in units of kj/ mole 1000 j = 1 Kj

use the bohr equation to calculate the ionization energy of hydrogen in K j/ mole ? show your work

In: Chemistry

lowering the pH of the solution inside the battery will: a. make E larger than E...

lowering the pH of the solution inside the battery will: a. make E larger than E b. make E smaller than E c. have no effect on E vs. E d. make the battery last longer

In: Chemistry

Crime scene investigators have determined that an acrylic spray paint (polymethylmethacrylate, PMMA) was used to deface...

Crime scene investigators have determined that an acrylic spray paint (polymethylmethacrylate, PMMA) was used to deface the Mona Lisa. Leonardo used linseed oil. We would like a solvent that interacts more strongly with acrylic than with linseed oil. Based on their chemical structures, we can approximate the SSCED parameters of linseed oil as n-hexadecane and acrylic paint as methylethylketone. Do you recommend CHCl_3, toluene, or acetone as the solvent? Explain.

In: Chemistry

ASAP Wittig Reaction using 9-anhraldehyde and triphosphorane 1. What is the isomer product? Why is it...


Wittig Reaction using 9-anhraldehyde and triphosphorane

1. What is the isomer product? Why is it only produced in small amounts

2. Show the steps and mechanisms in which a ylide comes from triphosphorane.

In: Chemistry

Use the Activity Series (Silberberg) to predict whether each of the following reactions will occur spontaneously...

Use the Activity Series (Silberberg) to predict whether each of the following reactions will occur spontaneously (yes or no):
a) Mn2+ (aq) + Co (s) --> Mn (s) + Co2+ (aq)
b) 3 Zn (s) + 2 Cr3+ (aq) --> 3 Zn2+ (aq) + 2 Cr (s)
c) Ba2+ (aq) +2 Li (s) --> Ba (s) + 2 Li+ (aq)
d) Hg2+ (aq) + Cd (s) --> Hg (l) + Cd2+ (aq)
e) Ca (s) + 2 K+ (aq) --> Ca2+ (aq) + 2 K (s)
f) Ni2+ (aq) + Mg (s) --> Ni (s) + Mg2+ (aq)

For each of these reactions, calculate the overall cell voltage, (using Append D Silberberg) and compare this quantitative prediction with the qualitative Activity Series predictions (spontaneous or not) listed above.

In: Chemistry

A 130.0 mL sample of a solution that is 0.0126 M in NiCl2 is mixed with...

A 130.0 mL sample of a solution that is 0.0126 M in NiCl2 is mixed with a 190.0 mL sample of a solution that is 0.400 M in NH3.

-After the solution reaches equilibrium, what concentration of Ni2+(aq) remains?

The value of Kf for Ni(NH3)62+ is 2.0×108.

In: Chemistry

The triprotic acid H3A has ionization constants of Ka1 = 1.6× 10–3, Ka2 = 2.4× 10–9,...

The triprotic acid H3A has ionization constants of Ka1 = 1.6× 10–3, Ka2 = 2.4× 10–9, and Ka3 = 6.4× 10–11.

Calculate the following values for a 0.0800 M solution of NaH2A.

[H+] = M

[H2A-]/[H3A] =   

Calculate the following values for a 0.0800M solution of Na2HA.

[H+] = M

[HA2-]/[H2A-] =

This is all the information this problem comes with


Consider H2A– to be the intermediate form of a diprotic acid, surrounded by H3A and HA2–. Consider HA2– to be the intermediate form of a diprotic acid, surrounded by HA– and A3–. Use the equations for [H ] associated with the intermediate form in a diprotic system.

In: Chemistry

2) True or False (If statement is false, correct it so that it is true) a)...

2) True or False (If statement is false, correct it so that it is true) a) Polymers make up an exciting class of biomaterials. Polyethylene is a wonderful example of a simple ceramic that can be used in multiple applications by modifying its chemical structure. It tends to be bioactive when used by itself as an implant, but it becomes even more bioactive when 10 vol% Calcium Carbonate is added to it. Teflon can be used as a vascular graft material due to its low coefficient of friction. This is achieved because C atoms are replaced by F atoms in its structure. Collagen is the premiere polymer that is produced in our bodies. There are about 15 types of collagen and this polysaccharide is very important in bone matrix formation and tissues and organs. b) A vacancy is a point defect that occurs when an atom is missing from a lattice position. A perfect metal crystal would exhibit ductile behavior. Amorphous crystals have long range order which can be measured by x-ray diffraction. X-ray crystal structure determination and the iridescent colors in nacre, butterfly wings, and beetle exoskeletons are caused by similar phenomena that involves the transmission of visible light. Metals tend to be harder than polymers, ceramics tend to be stronger than polymers, and metals tend to be harder than ceramics. Diamond is a unique material that exhibits metallic bonding. One of its more unusual features is that although it has a very high electrical conductivity, it is a poor conductor of heat. c) H bonding is a very important bond type in biological materials such as water and DNA. H bonding is responsible for the anomalous freezing behavior of water in which its density increases when it transforms from liquid to solid. It also plays a role in explaining why Geckos are able to cling to and run across atomically smooth surfaces. d) The microstructure of a metal sample that has been cooled from a melt would contain very large crystal grains on the interior and very small crystal grains on the exterior surface. This would be caused by differences in the heating rate where the exterior cools more slowly than the interior. e) The (100) plane physically intersects the Y and Z axes and it is perpendicular to the (010) plane and parallel to the (020) plane.

In: Chemistry