In: Biology
Which of the following is considered the LEAST important factor in controlling zonation in the rocky intertidal?
space competition
desiccation tolerance
Ans is Space competition because
A rocky shore is an intertidal area that consists of solid rocks. It is often a biologically rich environment and can include many different habitat types like steep rocky cliffs, platforms, rock pools and boulder fields. Because of the continuously action of the tides and organisms that live in this area experience daily fluctuations in their environment. For this reason, they must be able to tolerate extreme changes in temperature, salinity, moisture and wave action to survive.The intertidal zone is defined as the area between the high tidal mark and the low tidal mark. Organisms living within the intertidal must be hardy and adaptable to tolerate conditions underwater as well as exposure to air. During high tide, when the intertidal is covered with water, organisms must be able to bear the brunt of oncoming waves that can easily dislodge organisms not secured to their substrate. During low tide, when the intertidal is exposed to air, desiccation and overheating provide the greatest obstacles for intertidal organisms. This is perhaps the most important factor in determining where an organism may reside in the intertidal. A central paradigm of the intertidal is that the upper distribution of a species is limited by its ability to tolerate physical factors such as desiccation. The lower distribution is limited by biological factors, primarily competition and predation. This creates a distinct pattern of vertical zonation across the intertidal.