- Goals : Goals
are most important element,without any motive one cannot achieve
the success.Clear goals helps to maintain control over the
project.It has to be well defined with realistic time-frames and
estimated budget.
- Project objectives
: Like goals,project objectives are very important element
or item.Any changes in the objective,scope,or goals can directly
impact on other items.
- Resources :
Right resource helps to get the right resource and helps to
implement the project successfully without any problem.Appropriate
resources in the correct location during correct timing gives the
correct results.
- Schedule : It
is created to achieve the goals and the objectives.It is least
important than goals and objectives as it is dependent on them but
in overall project it also plays a crucial role.It keeps project on
right track.Here resources are assigned properly to decrease the
error.Proper scheduling can reduce cost,over burden and increase
the customer satisfaction.
- Budget :
Budget is most important,as project has to complete with an
estimated budget otherwise it might face loss.Its also true that
without money one cannot be successful with the given project.If
manger do not estimate budget properly then project might go over
budget and can meet the loss.It is created to achieve the goals and
the objectives.
- Sub-phases :
Here conditions are satisfied at each phase from start to end.It
comes after other items/elements get satisfied or approved,so can
be said least important than other items but cannot be ignored
during project implementation.As each phase has to be approved and
should get error free and successful result.Project phases consists
collection of activities with their goals and objectives which are
divided into sub phases that means for the project
- Tasks : Tasks
are the activities that has to be done within specific period of
time or given schedule.It can be said least important compared to
other items but also important as without doing task one cannot
achieve the goals.
For the success of the project,all
elements are important as they are related to each other,one is
incomplete without the other.If you have goals and objectives but
not doing tasks,completing phases,no resources,budgets then project
won't get complete.And if you have budget but no goals and
objectives then you wont find the way to complete the project.All
items are important as per their own perspectives.