In: Biology
Which of the following statements about fertilization is TRUE?
Option 1. Fertilisation leads to the formation of diploid zygote by the fusion of haploid gametes. INCORRECT OPTION
Option 2. Fertilisation ensure the fusion of male and female gamete and initiates the development of an organism. CORRECT OPTION
Option 3. Human females have XX chromosome and human males have XY chromosomes. At the time of fertilisation X chromosome from female is fertilised by either X or Y chromosome from male. This determines the sex of an organism. INCORRECT OPTION
Option 4. Fertilisation involves fusion of male and female gamete. This result in the formation of zygote that is genetically different from parents. Zygote acquires half set of chromosomes from mother and half from father. This leads to new genetic combinations. CORRECT OPTION
Option 5. Fertilisation involves fusion of haploid male and female gamete to produce a diploid zygote. When unicellular zygote undergoes mitosis it produces multicellular embryo. INCORRECT OPTION