
In: Economics

Consider illegal immigration. How would illegal immigration be affected if all countries had property ownership rights...

Consider illegal immigration. How would illegal immigration be affected if all countries had property ownership rights as well defined as in the United States?

Consider the following statement by Charles Wheelan, author of the Naked Economist: “The problem with Asian sweatshops is that there are not enough of them.” How is Wheelan’s statement illustrative of fundamental economic concepts?

Describe the types of information that market prices provide.


Expert Solution

Consider illegal immigration. How would illegal immigration be affected if all countries had property ownership rights as well defined as in the United States?

In United States, the Fifth Amendment protects the right to private property in two approaches. Firstly an individual may not be deprived of property by the government without "due process of law," or fair procedures. Furthermore it fixes a limit on the traditional practice of eminent domain, for example when the government takes private property to build a public road. When property rights are lacking among their citizens the countries will not flourish.

In my opinion if all countries had property ownership rights as well defined as in the United States and property rights does not lack among their citizens there will be a decline in the number of illegal immigrants. They will have little fear of their private property being vandalized or stolen; thus would not feel to escape to another country to live freely without repercussions or fear; and thus can lead a better life.

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