In: Biology
Pancreas is a organ of digestive system . It is located in the abdomen. It helps in digaestion by secreating the pancreatic juices that provides softening of both and make it alkaline. It act as exocrine gland that help in digestion and endocrine gland that maintain the sugar level.
Peritoneum is a serous membrane which lines the abdominal wall.
Pathway of oral cavity
Oral cavity mean the complete mouth. It lies between the oral fissure and oropharyngeal isthmus. It is divided into two parts upper and lower dental arches , carry teeth.
Vastibule- is horse shoe shaped structure situated anteriorly . Opposite the upper molar teeth parotid gland is present, which open into vastibule and secrete salivary juice.
Mouth proper ( comprises of roof, floor, cheeks and tounge) present posterior to vestibule.
Hard palate-- present anteriorly, separates the nasal cavity from oral cavity. Innervated by greater palantine and nasopalantine nerve.
Soft palate. -- muscular structure , elevated to separate the nasopharynx from oropharynx.
Floor- is consist following structure
Muscular diaphragm 2) geniohyoid myscle3) tounge 4) salivary duct and gland
Innervated by lingual nerve.
Cheeks- formed by the buccinator muscle help the food to remain in between teeth while chewing. Innervated by buccal nerve.
Pathway of pharynx.
Pharynx is posterior to oral cavity.Both mouth and pharynx role in digestion for the passage of food. Pharynx lead to oesophagus. It consist of 3 parts
Nasopharynx 2) oropharynx 3)laryngopharynx.
Pulmonary artery are blood vessels that carry blood from right side or ventricle of heart throught the cappilaries. Begin at the base of right ventricle.
Itcarries deoxygenated blood from right ventricle to lungs.
Pulmonary vein transfer the blood from lungs to heart . Role in respiration. Carries the oygenated blood in alveolj are returning to left atrium.
Urogenital system is composed of two individual system that is reproductive system and excretory system. They consist a common duct.
Hepatic portal system consist of hepatic portal veins and tributaries known as portal venous system . Which is responsible for directing the blood from parts of gastrointestinal tract to liver. When a person take sugar in his food....after taking this.our body shows large amount of glucose, then pancreas secrete the insulin which regulate the level of sugar. Insulin throught the hepatic portal system transport the extra glucose into the liver cell where sugar store in the form of glycogen.when body sugar level decrege then liver cell again convert the glycogen into glucose by the signaling of insulin hormone.
Female reproductive system consist of many parts...each play an important role in fertilization process. Like the transfer of eggs. Fallopian tube plays important role in transfer of egg and in fertilization. It is muscular tube...which distal part is known as infundibulum which consist of finger like projections called fimbria,having cilia..facilities the movement of eggs. Other parts are ampulla, isthmus etc. Hence. Fallopian tube transfer the eggs to the location wherre embryos developed.