
In: Statistics and Probability

Can annual sports team revenues be used to predict franchise​ values? Team   Revenue ($mil)   Value ($mil)...

Can annual sports team revenues be used to predict franchise​ values?

Team   Revenue ($mil)   Value ($mil)
Team 1   552   2815
Team 2   677   3436
Team 3   372   1329
Team 4   625   3198
Team 5   557   1847
Team 6   313   691
Team 7   339   856
Team 8   354   849
Team 9   396   867
Team 10   219   483
Team 11   257   581
Team 12   225   514
Team 13   516   415
Team 14   203   348
Team 15   154   328
Team 16   176   327
Team 17   161   308
Team 18   333   599
Team 19   413   864
Team 20   156   296

A. Assuming a linear​ relationship, use the​ least-squares method to compute the regression coefficients b0 and b1.

B. Predict the mean value of a soccer franchise that generates ​$200 million of annual revenue.


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Revenue (x) Value (y) x2 y2 xy
552 2815 304704 7924225 1553880
677 3436 458329 11806096 2326172
372 1329 138384 1766241 494388
625 3198 390625 10227204 1998750
557 1847 310249 3411409 1028779
313 691 97969 477481 216283
339 856 114921 732736 290184
354 849 125316 720801 300546
396 867 1940497 751689 343332
219 483 3576290 233289 105777
257 581 6694251 337561 149317
225 514 13250118 264196 115650
516 415 26109611 172225 214140
203 348 51908973 121104 70644
154 328 103719977 107584 50512
176 327 207325033 106929 57552
161 308 414524750 94864 49588
333 599 827109003 358801 199467
413 864 1650641716 746496 356832
156 296 3294589181 87616 46176
Total Σx = 6998 Σy = 20951 Σx2 = 6603329897 Σy2 = 40448547 Σxy = 9967969

A. Least squre method: y = b0 + b1x

b1 = (nΣxy − ΣxΣy)/(nΣx2 − (Σx)2) = (20*9967969-6998*20951)/(20*6603329897-6998*6998) = 0.0004

b0 = (Σy − m Σx)/n = (20951-0.004*6998)/20 = 1046.15

y = 1046.15 + 0.0004x

B. Revenue: x = $200 million

Franchise value ($ million): y = 1046.15 + 0.0004x = 1046.15 + 0.0004*200 = 1046.15+0.08 = 1046.23

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