
In: Finance

Think like an Original and/or traveler for a day in your everyday life and pretend that...

Think like an Original and/or traveler for a day in your everyday life and pretend that you are Seth Godin preparing your own "This is Broken" speech. Pick one of his categories, and describe one or two things that might seem out of place, ought to be done differently, or begs the question "why?" that might be the trigger for a startup opportunity. Include a picture if you have one.


Expert Solution

I would like to think about this: "The business of food" from Seth Godin's categories.

In this context, I feel that there is ample (and we can still emphasize on this term) opportunity to provide access to food for all. There are still hundreds of tribes and cults of people who are deprived of food. While there are a few lucky groups in the society who have access to excess food which is lavishly wasted day in and day out. Some things which seem to be out of place include imbalanced allocation of wealth and opportunities to create wealth (with some cults completely deprived), access to the natural environment which creates healthy food and health-wise capability to create food.

Upon understanding the existing lacunas, it comes to my mind that something can be done to improvise the condition. While Seth has started workshops educating people on this issue and how to create access to food to deprived people, something more can also be added. A startup can be invested into, which can create healthy food with latest technology at reasonable costs, so that it can be afforded by meagre salary groups as well.

While these groups may still be able to afford something (in place of completely nothing), there exist certain groups which are completely incapable of accessing food in absence of money to buy the same. For such groups an NGO can be formed which can store excess food (currently being thrown away) and provide it to them as and when required. Another option is to create employment for such groups in any manner so that they can themselves create or access food. There is one more area where things can work. Sometimes, some food which is damaged is thrown away. With new technology, if this type of food can be preserved and used in a least way, then we can save the wastage.

There are already certain NGOs working towards collecting left over food and providing to deprived groups. These should be encouraged and more people should join them to spread awareness.

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