
In: Nursing

a) According to medication guidelines, when is a care worker able to administer medications? The Registered...

a) According to medication guidelines, when is a care worker able to administer medications?

The Registered Nurse on duty is busy and has asked you to give Mrs Jones her Endone tablets as she is in pain. Additionally, the RN also asks you to give Mrs Jones a suppository as she is suffering from constipation.

b) Are you able to give Mrs Jones her medication? Explain your answer

c) What are five things should you never do when it comes the administration of medication?

d) List three place you can find information if you are unsure of what your role, responsibilities and limitations are? Give 3 answers

e) What are the five responsibilities you have as a care worker when administering medication?


Expert Solution

a) According to the medication guidelines, a care worker should administer medication as per documented instruction in the careplan. Care worker should be competent and adequately trained under strict supervision before independent administration. This generally include helping patients to take oral medications in the form of tablets, capsules or syrups , topical application of creams, ointments and inhaled mediactions.

b) As per the guidelines, if you are competent and trained to administer medication oral medication can be administered after checking the patient medication record. Before administration record the pain level and do verification of patient and check for allergy and document after administration. The case of suppositories , if the staff is trained and competent enough to administer suppositories can be administered as the RN is busy, before administration provide privacy and explain to the patient and follow all rights of the drug administration .

c) five dont's in medication administration

1. Never give medication without a written order unless in emergency; medication is only administered with clear written order from the treating doctor including the name, dose, route and frequency of the medicine. in emergency situations verbal orders are accepted but need to do documentation once the patient stabilised.

2. Never administer unlabelled/ blurred package of medicines; If the medicine name/ dose/ expiry date of the medication is unclear do not administer it without proper confirmation from the pharmacy or return the medicine.

3. Dont forget to do patient verification and allergy check; according to the guidelines and patient safety it is mandatory to identify patient correctly before administering medicines. patient name and ID number and allergy band should be checked prior to medication.

4. Don't forget to take consent and provide privacy; Always explain the patient about the medicine as they have the right to know their treatment as well as to refuse it. Never touch the client without their permission nor expose their body parts for administration. Make sure you provided adequate privacy before exposing the body parts to give the medicines

5. Never forget to document; After administration document the administration in the medication chart. if the patient refused to take the drug document and inform the concern person. Document if there is any reaction noted and do adverse drug reaction protocol as per policy .sign and write your name in the chart without fail.

d) three places where we can get information if we are unsure are

1. Preapration of high concentration electrolytes/ high alert medicines: these medicines are usually prepared by pharmacy but in some instances you need to prepare it in the units. at that time you can use the medication preparation guidelines provided in the unit before preperation and administration of the drug.

2. Assisting or administering medicines in the central lines; if the staff is not competent or unsure about drug administration via central line they can inform the senior nurse and get direct supervision or more training on the particular.

3. Handling of controlled drugs; If the nurse is unsure about storage,maintenance, record keeping, administration, disposalor borrowing of controlled drugs, they should check the most up to date policy on the controlled drug by the hospital.

e) Five responsibilities of care worker in administration of medication

1. Care worker should only administer the medications which they are trained. Don't hesitate to inform the registered nure if unsure of anything related to patient/ medication.

2. They are accountable to their actions therefore ensure all actions are carried out safely and correctly .

3. They are responsible to administer only the oral forms and topical applications of drugs and inhaled medications.

4. Always follow the rights of medication administration. These include right patient, right medicine, right dose, right rout at right time and documentation.

5. Watch for any allergic reactions after administering the medicines and mainitain proper documentation as proof of the acitivity.

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