1) A day of personal use of a dwelling unit is any day that the
unit is used by any of the following persons.
- You or any other person who owns an interest in it, unless you
rent it to another owner as his or her main home under a shared
equity financing agreement (defined later). However, see Days
used as a main home before or after renting, later.
- A member of your family or a member of the family of any other
person who owns an interest in it, unless the family member uses
the dwelling unit as his or her main home and pays a fair rental
price. Family includes only your spouse, brothers and sisters, half
brothers and half sisters, ancestors (parents, grandparents, etc.),
and lineal descendants (children, grandchildren, etc.).
- Anyone under an arrangement that lets you use some other
dwelling unit.
- Anyone at less than a fair rental price
2) Employee staying is the house for less then the FMV, will be
treated as personal use.