
In: Biology

Do you think disorders such as chronic fatigue syndrome are “last chance” diagnoses for patients with...

Do you think disorders such as chronic fatigue syndrome are “last chance” diagnoses for patients with symptoms of uncertain origin? Why or why not? Please cite your sources.


Expert Solution

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) : it is a disease characterized by profound fatigue, sleeping problems soar throat, headache, fly like symptoms and worsen by exertion.

CFS is long term post viral fatigue syndrome. The cause behind CFS includes :

- viral infection as glandular fever

- pneumonia

- problems with immune system

- mental health issues

It is also found mostly with women in their 40s to 50s .

Since the reason behind the diagnosis is not known treatment becomes difficult. CFS is not one illness it is combination of three to five illnesses. There are no straight forward treatment method for the it s disease. Recent discoveries states there might be genetic element involved behind. One can not improve sleep abnormality without improving their daily life style

For a better treatment family members and friends support is very crucial. Viruses may trigger the illness but it needs to cured with self effort. It has been found that this disease is cured easily in children because their brain is not developed - neuronal plasticity is the reason behind it.

So if the origin of the disease is known then the treatment becomes easier and vice versa. Since there are too many causative agents are involved the cure if the disease is really difficult practically and it might relapse.

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