
In: Biology

How do poverty, oppression and chronic stress affect diabetes susceptibility? Why do you think so much...

How do poverty, oppression and chronic stress affect diabetes susceptibility? Why do you think so much money and attention goes towards genetic research rather than towards improving social conditions?


Expert Solution

Before going forward with answer we must understand the commonest reason behind the diabetes- These are-

Low HDL (Good) cholesterol

High Bp



People are worried about their job, homelessness give rise to chronic stress that contribute to type -2 diabetes. Poor people do not get enough nutrient that necessary to keep them healthy. As I mentioned that low level of bad cholesterol also give rise to this disease which is associated because oil that contain good cholesterol are not cheaply available. Best HDL found in Olive oil which is most expensive of all the eatable oil.

Many time the association to any disease also linked with childhood and children raised in poverty lack some basic developmental nutrition that effect their life at later stage.

Depression is the most common of all the reason behind any disease today and diabetes also not devoid of that.

Sometime a disease can be controlled once diagnosed under controllable stage that need lots of medical checkup at regular interval and that incurred sufficient amount of money which is not possible for poor so they are less likely to control any disease at early stage.

These are some reason we can say that diabetes is also associated with poverty.

Answer to second part - Improving social condition and research and development is two different sectors. To uplift the life of human government has to work on all the parameter simultaneously because all are interlinked. And for the same purpose we have budget allocation for different sectors of society.

But if the funding on research and development is compromised because of allocating in other sector say social upliftment of life then most of the crucial invention and discoveries would be hampered adversely.

Research that is being done is also for the man kind, and a healthy individual is more productive than an unhealthy one. Once a person is healthy and free of disease he can improve social condition by his own but sufferer always need a funding as help.

Genetic research is important to control disease at root level. Vaccine and development of antibiotic became possible just because of the genetic knowledge. Knowing genetics more in depth help in controlling any epidemic like “Corona” at in lesser time. To control the spread of any viral disease knowing the genetics of that organism contribute a lot to curb disease.

After the years long research still scientist are not able to cure many disease completely like AIDS and if fund on genetics research is curtailed then situation will be worst.

Hence both the field must progress simultaneously without compromising one for other.

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