
In: Computer Science

Create a ‘Student’ table using SQL query. The table must have at least five attributes from...

Create a ‘Student’ table using SQL query. The table must have at least five attributes from your choice with different data types.


Expert Solution


We have to create a database in order to create table in MySQL.

Create database using following command in MySQL

                                  create database databasename; ( Syntax )

                               for example: create database Student;


And use the created database using following command.

                             > use databasename; ( Syntax)

                             > use Student;


Create a table Student using following command.

                  > create table Student(Student_ID VARCHAR(20), Student_Name CHAR(20), Student_DOB DATE, Student_Age INT, CGPA FLOAT(10,2));

Insert values to the Student table using following command;

> insert into Student values(Student_ID, Student_Name, Student_DOB, Student_Age, CGPA);

Retrieve the Student table details using following command.

                         > select *from Student;

Finally i have created a table Student table using five different attributes with different datatypes.

Thank you. Please ask me if you have any doubt.

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