
In: Computer Science

From the following mySql query create a function that returns a nth value of a table:...

From the following mySql query create a function that returns a nth value of a table:

SELECT name, (SUM(price * quantity)) AS TotalPrice



ORDER BY (TotalPrice) DESC



Inventory(name: String,item:String,quantity:integer)

Items(item: String, brand: String, price:double)


Expert Solution

MySQL Function to return the nth value of table:

Syntax to create MySQL Function:
CREATE FUNCTION function_name(param1,param2,…)
RETURNS datatype
    SQL statements

MySQL Function to return the nth value



   SELECT name, (SUM(price * quantity)) AS TotalPrice INTO tName,NVal
   FROM Items NATURAL JOIN Inventory
   GROUP BY name
   ORDER BY (TotalPrice) DESC
   LIMIT 1, OFFSET n-1;


The function named 'GET_NthVal' returns a 'double' value which is the value(total price) of the nth record of the given query.
TotalPrice of nth record will be stored to the variale 'NVal' and returned to the caller funtion/ place.
Here OFFSET is set to n-1 and LIMIT to 1 and it is to skip the first n-1 records and starts from n th record. In this way you will get the nth value of any table/ result set.

Kindly Note:
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