Answer 4 a : There are various special features of different
data such as :
- Cross Sectional Data : Cross sectional data has special
features such as data are able to collected different subjects such
as individual, firm, country or region at the same point of time.
Example : If we want to calculate height of the population we can
meaured weight and obesity at the same time period. Consumpation
expenditure in different goods at same time period.
- Time Series Data : In this same feature of the population has
been judged with different point of time. Example : It deals with
the level of consumpation change over and after few days.
- Panel Data : It has been used to examine change in different
variable at different time period duration. Here different variable
are studied at different time period level. Different individual
have different income, health, consumpation level etc affect the
panel in different manner. It is also known as Longitudinal
Answer 4 b : For the estimation of the panel data. There is one
of the most important techinque that is known as FEM ( Fixed effect
Model) . In FEM , it is the intercept of the model in regression
taken different individuals, they can used dummy variables into an
account. FEM is suitable where the individual specific intercept
may be correlated with one or more regressors into an account.
Since panel Data has taken both time and space into an account.
This shows that FEM has taken dummy variable into an account which
resulted in least square dummy variable . Least square dummy
variable taken both time as well as space into an account and
provide best result when N ( population size ) is not enough