In: Accounting
The managerial statistics is an important branch of the statistics. The following is the important terminology used in managerial statistics;
1) Population: The whole group under a study, for example, all consumers of a city.
2) Sample: Part of the population under study, for example, 1000 consumers out of all consumers of a city.
3) Parameter: The attributes of the population that the observer is trying to study, for example, the proportion of total consumers purchasing a specific product.
4) Statistic: The attributes of the sample that the observer is trying to study, for example, the proportion of the 1000 consumers buying specific goods.
5) Variable: Any attribute which can be measured or counted such as sex, weight, race, income, and place of birth, etc.
6) Mean: Decision-making tool that shows the average, for example, the average age of the consumers buying specific goods.
7) Standard deviation: An important tool that depicts the deviation from the average.
8) Sampling error: The error occurring in the results of the study due to the size of the sample.
9) Non-sampling error: Errors that can't be removed even after modifying the size of the sample.
10) Surveys: Process of collecting the data from the population/ sample.