
In: Computer Science

Given an array of integers, delete each element from the array which is a multiple of 5, and display the rest of the array.

Given an array of integers, delete each element from the array which is a multiple of 5, and display the rest of the array.



    2 3 4 11 22 320


  • First line represents the number of elements in the array.

  • Second line represents the elements in the array.


    2 3 4 11 22

Explanation: Element of the array 320 is the only one in the array which is a multiple of 5, so it is removed from the array.


  • Array can be of size from 1 to 1000.

  • Array element can be in the range -1000 to 1000


Expert Solution

Java Program to Delete element(s) which is multiple of 5 from an integer array. :

import java.util.Scanner; // importing Scanner class to get keyboard inputs.
public class Main {
        // main method
        public static void main(String args[]) {
                // Creating Scanner object named keyboard to get keyboard input.
                Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
                // Prompt for array size and store input in int variable arraySize.
                System.out.print("Enter size of array: ");
                int arraySize = keyboard.nextInt();
                int array[] = new int[arraySize]; // creating int array of      size arraySize (provided via input.)
                int multipleCount =0; // multipleCount variable hold count of total element which is multiple of 5.
                // Prompt for array element and insert each input value in array.
                System.out.print("Enter size of array: ");
                below for loop will execute arraySize times (for example if arraySize = 5 then loop will execute 5 times)
                for(int i=0;i

Smple Output :

Please refer to the Screenshot of the code given below to understand indentation of the code.

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