
In: Computer Science

Discuss the difference between the IP, DNS and MAC addresses – how do the relate to...

Discuss the difference between the IP, DNS and MAC addresses – how do the relate to one another in a network?


Expert Solution

IP address is assigned to any computer or any server to identify that computer on the given network.
Domain name service address or DNS address is used to convert the references having alphabets into server IP address which is generally used for hosting services.
Every device has a unique IP address and follows internet protocol.
This IP address is in form of numbers ex-
Even servers have IP address but it's very hard to remember numbers than a simple domain name like this is why why we use DNS address rather than IP address of a server.

To differentiate between IP address and DNS address you can simply tell IP address is like our phone number why DNS is is our phone book where people may find phone number.

MAC address is a number assigned by its manufacturer to its NIC card.

basic difference between MAC address and IP address is that

IP address is used for global identification while the Mac address is used for local identification.

MAC address can't be changed but IP address can be changed.

MAC address can be also called physical address and IP address as logical address.

MAC address is hardcoded into the device at the time of manufacturing while the IP address is is assigned by software configuration.


Both MAC address and IP address uniquely defines the device on the internet.
MAC address is used for local identification and IP address for global identification.

Its very tough for humans to remember IP address so so we introduced DNS address so that it's easy to remember. The DNS address translates the alphabets into IP address.
So DNS address is simply used instead of IP address because it's very easy to remember website name rather than the server IP address.

we can use IP address instead of DNS Address to access websites.

Try it for google.

If you have any doubt you can comment.

like if you got your answer.

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