
In: Nursing

Discuss educational plans for preventing the spread of COVID-19 within the community setting and within your...

Discuss educational plans for preventing the spread of COVID-19 within the community setting and within your families.
Discuss prevention measures among two (2) groups who are at risk for contracting of COVID-19.


Expert Solution



Covid 19 is a disease caused by Corona virus. The main symptoms iclude fever, cough and shortness of breath.The virus is transmitted through direct contact with respiratory droplets. of an infected person. Currently no vaccines are available for COVID 19. So precautions are important to prevent the spread of covid -19.

Health education for the community - SMS




Sanitizer- The sanitizer should have 60-95% of alcohol. Use this sanitizer before or after touching any surface.

How to use sanitizer

1.Generally apply the liquid over the palm of one hand.

2.Then rub it all over both hand until the hand sanitizer dries.

3.Take about 20 seconds to complete the hand sanitization.

Mask-Use of face mask can prevent the spread of corona virus. N 95 mask are more useful than the surgical mask as it filters both large and small particles when we wear mask.Everyone is instructed to wear mask inorder to prevent the droplets that the wearer releases while speaking, sneezing , coughing etc.

How to wear face mask

a. Wash or sanitize the hand before and after wearing the mask

b. Place the mask over the mouth and nose

c.Use the ear loops or tie behind the head

d.Don't touch the mask while wearing

e. Change the mask when its wet and put on the new one

f. Remove the mask with out touching the front part of the mask.

g. Wash the hands immediately after the removal of mask.

Social distancing- Social distancing has to be practiced along with above other measures. It means physical distancing.In social distancing keeping a safe distance between ourself and other people.

How to have social distancing

1. Keep a distance of 6 feet or minimum 1 meter distance between two people


1. Staying at home when sick- This not only prevents the spread of infection to other people as well as improves own health.

2.Covering the nose and mouth while sneezing and coughing- Cover the mouth and nose with flexed elbow or with tissue paper prevents the spread of droplets to other area or to other person. discard the tissue paper in a proper place.

3. Washing the hands with soap and water-Washing the hands with soap and water removes the virus which is present in this part and prevent the infection.

4. Use of sanitizer-Always use the sanitizer to protect ourselves from the infection. It never replace the soap and water.


1. Quarantine-Room quarantine for 14 days is preferred .Stay in a well ventilated single room preferably with attached or separate toilet facilty.

Teaching plan for the quarantined person and family members

1.Restrict the movement within the house

2.Stay away from elderly people, pregnant women, children and persons with other diseases.

3. Should not go out of the house at any circumstances (wedding, condoloences)

4. Wear surgical mask always at home . Change the mask every 6-8 hours

5.Avoid sharing the house hold items like dishes,cups, plates , towels, bed sheets etc

6. Used mask should be disinfected with bleaching solution or sodium hypochlorite solution and then disposed by burning .

7. Clean and disinfect the frequently touched items and surfaces with sodium hypochlorite solution.

8. Clean and disinfect the toilet with bleaching solution.

9.Wash the cloths and other linen used by the person separately with detergent and dry it.


1.Stay home only and if  feel unwell seek medical help

2. Avoid close contact inside and outside home

3.Wear a mask

4. Clean the hands with soap and water or alcohol based sanitizer

5. Maintain a safe distance between two people

6.Don't touch eyes, nose or mouth.

7. Cover the mouth and nose with tissue paper or flexed elbow while coughing, sneezing

8. Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily.

9. Monitor closely for fever, cough, breathing difficulty . If it present seek medical help.

10. Restrict visitors completely.


As far no vaccines are available for COVID -19 , we should take proper precautions to avoid or the spread of COVID -19.

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