
In: Statistics and Probability

There are two ways to guard from location A to B. Either you can guard the...

There are two ways to guard from location A to B. Either you can guard the sea path
or the country road. Suggest a suitable model for the relationship between response variable response time and explanatory variable travel path (sea or land path). Motivate the choice of your model.


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Given That

There are two ways to get from location

A to B it can take the sea path (or) country road is

The sea path is a route followed by ships and A coastal path is a trail along a sea shore (or) a lake shape for pedestrations , and sometimes for cyclists (or) equestrians , some coastal paths were asiginally created for use by customs (or) coastguard officials loading out for smuggleps landing illicit.

Country road is a usually unpaved rural road off the main highway.

So the relationship between response time of sea path and country road is the seapath is travel only route followed by ships and it can take a more time from one location to another location but country roads are it can easily move from one place to another place and seapath of the travel path is easy to move without any traffic zam without any disturbances for seapath but country road it can moved on roads it so much traffic zam and distupbences happened I suggest based on response time is country road and explanatory variable seapath is suggested.



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