In: Biology
a) what are the different types of fibres that make up muscle tissue,
b) how do they work together to produce movement relating to their properties.
a) There are three types of muscles- 1. Skeletal muscle 2. Smooth Muscle and 3. Cardiac muscle
Skeletal muscles are made up of three types of muscle fibres as follows
b) Red / Slow (Type I fibres, 'slow twitch fibres')- Mainly se suited to low-iuitable for low intensity, longer duration, aerobic work and resistant to fatigue. Red / Fast (Type IIa fibres, 'fast oxidative fibres') are classed as partially aerobic and are suited to events that require both aerobic and anaerobic elements. Athletes with a larger portion of type 2A fast-twitch fibres are suited to events such as middle-distance running and swimming. White / Fast (Type IIb fibres, 'fast glycolytic fibres') suited to high-intensity, short-duration, anaerobic work. Athletes who have a larger proportion of type 2B fast-twitch fi bres are suited to events that require explosiveness such as sprinting, throwing and weight-lifting.