In: Biology
Ch 2-
ch 3
Atoms- Atoms are the basic unit of level, and organized into a larger structures called molecules.
Matter - Made up of substance called elements,composed of a tiny particles called atoms.
ii. Energy levels and electron shell , chemical reactions
The orbit presents around the nucleus, in which the electron rotate called electron shell or energy levels.
The energy level increase as the distance from the nucleus increases.
The electron which rotate in the lowest orbit has lowest energy level
And in the outermost orbit ,electrons have higher energy levels.
There are four shells present in the nucleus S,P,D,F etc.
iii.Types of bonds and interaction between atoms or molecules:
1.Ionic Bond
Involves in the transfer of elecctron.opposite charges attracts, then the atoms bond together to form a molecule.
2.Covalent Bond
Sharing of electrons between two atoms.
3.Polar Bond
It is a covaent bond between two atoms,here the electrons forming the bonds are unequally distributed.
4.Hydrogen Bond
Two adjacent water molecules H2O can form a linkage known as hydrogen bond
iv.Elements and molecules exist,what is polarity?
Atoms are exist in the form of molecules and ions.
Molecules are formed by the combination of two or more elements
It is the relation between two opposite attributes or tendencies.ex.magnetic poles or electric charge.
V. Functions and all properties of water,acids,bases.What is pHand equation of pH to determine acidity or alkalinity.
Functions and properties of water:
It is an inorganic,transparent,odorless,tasteless and chemically colorless substance.
chemical formula H2O,molecules contain oxygen and two hydrogen atoms.
It regulates body temperature
Important for all chemical reactions in our cells
It removes waste from the body
It helps for digestion
An acidic solution has a higher concentration of hydrogen ions H+, which is greater than that of pure water.pH <7
An basic solution has a lower concentration of hydrogen ions H+, which is less than that of pure water.pH >7
Power of hydrogen ion concentration.
It ranks the solutions in the terms of acidity or basicity.
If the pH is above 7 then it is basic
If the pH is below 7 then it is acidic
Equation of pH to determine acidity or alkalinity:
pH = - log[H+]
i.Carbon and its electron shells
Carbon is a key element for most life on earth.
Carbon- 12 (6 protons,6neutrons and 6 electrons)
Atomic number-6
There are 6 electrons, 2 in one shell and 4 in other there are two shells in a carbon atom
ii. What are organic compounds hydrocarbons ad carbon skeletons:
Organic compounds
It is the largest class of chemical compounds,in that two or more atoms of carbon are covalently linked to atoms of other elements mostly hydrogen,oxygen and nitrogen
It is an organic compound consist mostly of hydrogen and carbon.
carbon skeleton:
It is the chain of carbon atoms that forms the backbone of any organic molecule.
iii.Types of isomers,enantiomers different structurally and functionally
ions or molecules have same molecular formula but different structural properties
It is a pair of chemical compounds whose molecular structures have a superimposable mirror-image relationship to each other
iv.Functional groups and their functions:
It is a collection of atoms that attach to the carbon skeleton of an organic molecule and possess specific properties.
V.Types of energy
Solar energy
wind energy
geothermal energy
hydogen energy
Tidal energy
wave energy
Hydroelectric energy
Biomass energy
Nuclear power
Fossil fuel(coal,oil,and natural gas)
Hydrolysis of ATP
It is the catabolic reaction process
The chemical energy stored in the form of high energy bond phosphoanhydride bonds in ATP is relaesed by splitting these bonds.
Its product is ADP and an inorganic phosphate, orthophosphate(pi)
Components of ATP:
Ribose, Adenine ,phosphate
Vi. Carbohydrate types
Protein types:
Complete protein
Incomplete protein
Lipid types
Nucleotide types: