
In: Nursing

A 16-year-old Asian male presents at the doctor’s office complaining of “sores” on his arms and...

A 16-year-old Asian male presents at the doctor’s office complaining of “sores” on his arms and face.

He states, “everyone thinks I have something contagious and I get depressed about it”. He has recently returned to school and states that he uses hand sanitizer frequently.  This seems to make the sores worse.  He takes no medication for the sores.

Assessment:  VS stable, no signs of fever.  Skin of arms and face are inflamed with vesicles and papules that are weeping and oozing. The patient has eczema.

  1. Normal Subjective data: (1 pt.)
  1. Abnormal Subjective Data: (1 pt.)


3.  Normal Objective Data: (1 pt.)

4.  Abnormal Objective Data: (1 pt.)

5.  Diagnosis: (1pt.)

6.  Health history (2.5 pts.)

Physical assessment (2.5 pts.)


Expert Solution


1.Normal subjective data-here the normal subjective data is he says that sores on his arms and face.

2.Abnormal subjective data-here the abnormal subjective data is he states that ''every one thinks I have something contagious and I get depressed about it''.

3.Normal objective data-here the normal objective data is on observation the skin of the arms and face inflammed with vesicles and papules that are wheeping and oozing.

4.Abnormal objective data-here the abnormal objective data is he has the use of hand sanitizer frequently.

5.Diagnosis-here the patient diagnosed with eczema.

6.Health history-The health history about the client is he does not take any medications for sore

The vital signs are stable and no history of fever.

Physical assessment-The assessment are vitals signs are stable.The patient does not have the history of fever

The skin of arms and face inflammed with vesicles and papules that are wheeping and oozing.

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