
In: Computer Science

Please write a C++ program. Please rewrite your Array (including the operator overloading) into a template....

Please write a C++ program.

Please rewrite your Array (including the operator overloading) into a template.
And rewrite your main function to test your template for integer array and double array.

Following is my complete code:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Array {

// Pointer to memory block to store integers
int* data;
// Maximum size of memory block
int cap;
// Stores number of integers in an array
int num;

// Constructor
Array(int size);
// Default constructor
// Copy Constructor
Array(const Array&);
// Destructor

// Copies element of a's into this. It is used in both copy constructor and assignment function
void copy(const Array& a);
// Assignment operator overloading
Array& operator=(const Array& a);
// Deletes old elements, sets new size and allocates new elements
void setSize(int n);

// Adds elements at the end
int push_back(int);
// Removes last element
int pop_back();

// Removes element at index
int remove(int i);
// Inserts element at given index
int insert(int num, int i);

// Returns capacity of the vector or array
int capacity();
// Returns size of array
int size();
// Displays all element
void display();
// Clears all elements
int Clear();

// operator *
Array operator*(const Array& a);

// subscript operator for const objects returns rvalue
int operator[]( int ) const;

// operator<<
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Array& a);


Array::Array(int size)
cap = size;
data = new int[cap];
num = 0;
num = 0;
data = 0;

// Copy constructor
Array::Array(const Array& a)
num = a.num;
data = new int[num];
// Copy a's elements

void Array::copy(const Array& a)
// Copy a's elements into the elements of *this
int* p = data + num;
int* q = + num;
while (p > data)
*--p = *--q;

delete[] data;
Array& Array::operator=(const Array& a)
if (this != &a) // avoids self assignment
return *this;

void Array::setSize(int n)
if (n != num)
// Delete old elements
delete[] data;
// Set new count,
num = n;
// And allocate new elements
data = new int[n];

int Array::push_back(int el)
if (num <= cap)
data[num] = el;
return num;
cout << "Array capacity out of bound";
return -1;

int Array::pop_back()
if (num > 0)
int x = data[num - 1];
return x;
cout << "Array empty";
return -1;

int Array::remove(int i)
if (num > 0)
int x = data[i];
for (int p = i; p < num; p++)
data[p] = data[p + 1];
return x;
cout << "Array empty";
return -1;

int Array::insert(int n, int i)
if (num + 1 <= cap)
for (int p = num - 1; p >= i; p--)
data[p + 1] = data[p];
data[i] = n;
return num;
cout << "Array capacity out of bound";
return -1;

void Array::display()
if (num == 0)
cout << "Array empty";
for (int k = 0; k < num; k++)
cout << data[k] << " ";
cout << endl;

int Array::capacity()
return cap;

int Array::size()
return num;
int Array::Clear()
num = 0;
return num;

// function to multiply arrays this and a (element by element) and return the resultant array
Array Array:: operator*(const Array& a)
Array result(*this); // create result array same as this using copy constructor
// size of arrays are same
if(num == a.num)
// loop to multiply elements in the same index
for(int i=0;i<num;i++)
{[i] *=[i];
}else // size not equal
cout<<"ERROR: Arrays to be multiplied should be of same size"<<endl;

return result; // return the resultant array

// subscript operator for const objects returns rvalue
int Array:: operator[]( int index) const
// validate index, if valid return the value at index
if(index >=0 && index < num)
return data[index];
else // invalid index, return -1
cout<<"ERROR: Invalid index"<<endl;
return -1;

// operator<<
ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Array& a)
if (a.num == 0) // array is empty
out << "Array empty";
{ // loop over the array a, displaying elements of a
for(int k = 0; k < a.num; k++)
out <<[k] << " ";

return out;

int main()
cout << "For Integer data type" << endl;
Array a(10);
cout << "Array Elements are: " << endl;


Array b;
b = a; // Assignment
cout << "Array Elements after assignment: " << endl;


Array c = a;

cout << "Array Elements copied using copy construcor: " << endl;


cout << a.remove(1) << endl;

a.insert(10, 1);

c = a*b;
cout<<"a: ";
for(int i=0;i<a.size();i++)
cout<<a[i]<<" ";
cout<<"b: "<<b<<endl;
cout<<"Array multiplication: "<<endl;
cout<<"c = a*b: "<<c<<endl;

cout << "capacity" << a.capacity() << endl;
cout << "size of an array" << a.size() << endl;
cout << a.pop_back() << endl;
cout << "size of an array" << a.size() << endl;
return 0;

//end of program


Expert Solution

// C++ program to convert Array to template class and test it with Integer and Double data type

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

template <class T>
class Array {

// Pointer to memory block to store type T
T* data;
// Maximum size of memory block
int cap;
// Stores number of integers in an array
int num;

// Constructor
Array(int size);
// Default constructor
// Copy Constructor
Array(const Array&);
// Destructor

// Copies element of a's into this. It is used in both copy constructor and assignment function
void copy(const Array& a);
// Assignment operator overloading
Array& operator=(const Array& a);
// Deletes old elements, sets new size and allocates new elements
void setSize(int n);

// Adds elements at the end
int push_back(T);
// Removes last element
T pop_back();

// Removes element at index
T remove(int i);
// Inserts element at given index
int insert(T num, int i);

// Returns capacity of the vector or array
int capacity();
// Returns size of array
int size();
// Displays all element
void display();
// Clears all elements
int Clear();

// operator *
Array operator*(const Array& a);

// subscript operator for const objects returns rvalue
T operator[]( int ) const;

// operator<<
template <typename U>
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Array<U>& a);


template <class T>
Array<T>::Array(int size)
cap = size;
data = new T[cap];
num = 0;

template <class T>
num = 0;
cap = 0; // set cap to 0
data = 0;

// Copy constructor
template <class T>
Array<T>::Array(const Array<T>& a)
cap = a.cap; // set cap to a's cap
num = a.num;
data = new T[num];
// Copy a's elements

template <class T>
void Array<T>::copy(const Array<T>& a)
// Copy a's elements into the elements of *this
T* p = data + num;
T* q = + num;
while (p > data)
*--p = *--q;

template <class T>
delete[] data;

template <class T>
Array<T>& Array<T>::operator=(const Array<T>& a)
if(this != &a) // avoids self assignment

return *this;

template <class T>
void Array<T>::setSize(int n)
if (n != num)
// Delete old elements
delete[] data;
// Set num to 0, since all elements will be deleted
num = 0;

cap = n; // set cap to n

// And allocate new elements
data = new T[n];

template <class T>
int Array<T>::push_back(T el)
// number of elements < cap, add el at the end
if (num < cap)
data[num] = el;
return num;
cout << "Array capacity out of bound";
return -1;

template <class T>
T Array<T>::pop_back()
if (num > 0)
T x = data[num - 1];
return x;
else // empty array, return default element
cout << "Array empty";
return T();

template <class T>
T Array<T>::remove(int i)
if(num > 0)
T x = data[i];
for (int p = i; p < num; p++)
data[p] = data[p + 1];
return x;
else // array empty, return default element
cout << "Array empty";
return T();

template <class T>
int Array<T>::insert(T n, int i)
if (num + 1 <= cap)
for (int p = num - 1; p >= i; p--)
data[p + 1] = data[p];
data[i] = n;
return num;
cout << "Array capacity out of bound";
return -1;

template <class T>
void Array<T>::display()
if (num == 0)
cout << "Array empty";
for (int k = 0; k < num; k++)
cout << data[k] << " ";
cout << endl;

template <class T>
int Array<T>::capacity()
return cap;

template <class T>
int Array<T>::size()
return num;

template <class T>
int Array<T>::Clear()
num = 0;
return num;

// function to multiply arrays this and a (element by element) and return the resultant array
template <class T>
Array<T> Array<T>:: operator*(const Array<T>& a)
Array<T> result(*this); // create result array same as this using copy constructor
// size of arrays are same
if(num == a.num)
// loop to multiply elements in the same index
for(int i=0;i<num;i++)
{[i] *=[i];
}else // size not equal
cout<<"ERROR: Arrays to be multiplied should be of same size"<<endl;

return result; // return the resultant array

// subscript operator for const objects returns rvalue
template <class T>
T Array<T>:: operator[]( int index) const
// validate index, if valid return the value at index
if(index >=0 && index < num)
return data[index];
else // invalid index, return -1
cout<<"ERROR: Invalid index"<<endl;
return T();

// operator<<
template <class T>
ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Array<T>& a)
if (a.num == 0) // array is empty
out << "Array empty";
{ // loop over the array a, displaying elements of a
for(int k = 0; k < a.num; k++)
out <<[k] << " ";

return out;

int main()
   // test the template class
cout << "For Integer data type" << endl;
Array<int> a(10);
cout << "Array Elements are: " << endl;


Array<int> b;
b = a; // Assignment
cout << "Array Elements after assignment: " << endl;


Array<int> c = a;

cout << "Array Elements copied using copy construcor: " << endl;


cout << a.remove(1) << endl;

a.insert(10, 1);

c = a*b;
cout<<"a: ";
for(int i=0;i<a.size();i++)
cout<<a[i]<<" ";
cout<<"b: "<<b<<endl;
cout<<"Array multiplication: "<<endl;
cout<<"c = a*b: "<<c<<endl;

cout << "capacity" << a.capacity() << endl;
cout << "size of an array" << a.size() << endl;
cout << a.pop_back() << endl;
cout << "size of an array" << a.size() << endl;

cout <<endl<<endl<<"For Double data type" << endl;
Array<double> d1(10);
cout << "Array Elements are: " << endl;


Array<double> d2;
d2 = d1; // Assignment
cout << "Array Elements after assignment: " << endl;


Array<double> d3 = d1;

cout << "Array Elements copied using copy construcor: " << endl;


cout << d1.remove(1) << endl;

d1.insert(10.2, 1);

d3 = d1*d2;
cout<<"d1: ";
for(int i=0;i<d1.size();i++)
cout<<d1[i]<<" ";
cout<<"d2: "<<d2<<endl;
cout<<"Array multiplication: "<<endl;
cout<<"d3 = d1*d2: "<<d3<<endl;

cout << "capacity" << d1.capacity() << endl;
cout << "size of an array" << d1.size() << endl;
cout << d1.pop_back() << endl;
cout << "size of an array" << d1.size() << endl;
   return 0;

//end of program


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